Listen Up Lazy Travellers, Here's the Ultimate Hack to Score the Cheapest Air Tickets Every Week!


There's no denying that a trip gives you ten times more happiness when you book the cheapest flight tickets. So we're letting you on a secret that's going to make your life easy and drastically bring down the amount of money you spend on your domestic and international trips.

According to a survey carried out by Skyscanner, the ideal time to book flight tickets is 5am on Sundays.

Photo of Listen Up Lazy Travellers, Here's the Ultimate Hack to Score the Cheapest Air Tickets Every Week! 1/1 by Saumiabee

This is definitely not how you would prefer spending your Sunday mornings, but if you want to save money while you travel, start scheduling your alarms now. You will find the cheapest tickets during this time, while ticket rates are highest during 7pm - 10pm, which is incidentally the time that most users book their tickets at.

January is the best month to book flight tickets.

The research also tells us that flight tickets are most affordable in January than any month of the entire year. During the beginning of the year, no one seems to be planning trips, and thus, the demand for tickets is very low. Naturally, companies reduce their ticket prices, making it the perfect time to grab a flight to your dream destination. All travellers who are enthusiastic about impromptu travel pans must know that booking international tickets 5-6 in advance is the smartest move that you can make. Moreover, if you fly abroad in April or October, the flights will be even cheaper.

With these ace ticket hacks, there's really no excuse for you to spend your weekends in bed! Grab your laptops and start checking off destinations from your bucket list.

If you have any travel hacks, tips and suggestions, you can create a blog on Tripoto here.

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