After spending 3 amazing days in Gokarna I decided to head North. After driving approximately 80 km from Goakrna , I reached my destination Agonda beach. The drive from Gokarna to Agonda beach was beautiful. Agonda is in Canacona. It is strange how Palolim beach which is only 8km from Agonda is popular amongst traveler but Agonda is still less discovered. Atleast among Indian tourists. I booked a beach hut via Airbnb Duck n Chill , but I was Not sure wheteher it will be average or great.
To my surprise it was right on beach. I had the whole beach for myself. There were hardly any Indians in any of the shacks. Only foreigner tourists were there who were staying there for a longer period.
Since it used to be very hot during the day, the only time you can enjoy beach os either early morning or late in the evening.
I decided to have the lunch and read till the sun goes down. It was the kind of vacation I was longing for quite long. To sit by beach side and read your favourite book while enjoying your coffee. This was my afternoon routine for next 3 day.

Today I decided to get up early to catch the first ferry for honeymoon island. But I over slept remember I was on a vacation ;) . Since I missed the first ferry, I had to wait for quite sometime for second ferry. As there were hardly any tourist it took some time to get other people on boat. I could have booked the whole ferry but I decided otherwise as shared was quite cheap. They stopped the ferry in the middle and asked us to be attentive as we can spot dolphins. And God they were right. We spotted not only one or two but dozen of them. Few of them were very close to our ferry. It was treat to watch there water show. After 45 minutes of ferry ride we finally reached honeymoon island. Man, did I tell you it was beautiful. It was heavenly.