Frozen River trek - the walk of Life

26th Mar 2019
Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

My Journey :

Day 1

Reporting Day at Leh :

Early morning my flight was at 7:oo A.m from Delhi. I sat on the Window seat on a flight and its safe to say i had my eyes out the window like a 5 year old kid

Photo of Leh by Vikas Vashisht

and finally with the view of Snow Covered Mountains & Mesmerising beauty we landed around 9.30 at the Leh Airport - the 22nd highest Commercial airport in the world at 3256m

It was a Chilled Morning with temp. around -10 Degree. So, we took a taxi and leave for our Pre - arranged hotel, completed our arrival formalities and enjoyed the overnight stay in hotel.

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Day 2

Acclimatization Day :

So, as per Regulations today is our Acclimatization day so that our body get used to weather conditions of Leh as mostly trekkers might face Acute Mountain Sickness ( AMS ). We got up early in the Morning, had our breakfast and after that Our leader gave us the briefing about the whole trek.

After that he took us for a Light Acclimatization walk around the Leh City. During the walk we also went to Shanti Stupa the famous Buddhist white - domed attraction for the tousrists. After that we went back to hotel had our dinner and rested.

leh market

Photo of Leh by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Leh by Vikas Vashisht

View from Shanti Stupa

Photo of Leh by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Leh by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Leh by Vikas Vashisht
Day 3

Our Free Day :

today was Our free Day, as we have done the booking for Lingshed Village trek which was cancelled by the organization due to Some Silly excuses because of which our trek was about to start on 5th Day instead of 4th Day.

So, we Decided to travel around leh on this day. We went to market in the Morning had our breakfast, Looked for a Bike rental shops. After a long Search we found only 1 shop open in the market as people don't prefer bikes in this season because of cold harsh conditions.

We were the Only One around who hired a bike and went to nearby tourist attractions like :

-Ice Stupa ( in Phyang Village )

-Ice Skating Ground

-Gurudwara Pathar Sahib

Ice Hockey Ground in Leh

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

On d Way to Phyang Village

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

And Seriously we found no one on Bikes during our whole Journey. It was cold harsh weather and was not easy to ride a Bike, even we were not able to get our hands off the Gloves to click a picture.

the Day was well Spent we enjoyed the winter Leh

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Day 4

Getting a Medical Checkup :

Today we have to go for a mandatory Medical Checkup at tourist information Center to obtain medical certificate before Undertaking Chadar trek

We Visited the Center in the Morning at 11.00 am it was Crowded with all the trekkers, So we have to wait for our turn and finally after waiting for 3-4 hrs Our Group was called for Checkup. Our Medical & Rescue Card was issued with Unique Id No. & Officers have given us the green Signal for Chadar expedition. Also we Paid them for ALTOA & Wildlife Department permit which is mandatory.

After all the formalities were done we went to Leh market in the evening for shopping as from the next morning we were leaving for our Destination. After all the shopping & Dinner we went back to our hotel, Packed our bags arranged our essential things and slept

Late Night Leh Market Scenes

Photo of Leh by Vikas Vashisht

View from the hotel Window

Photo of Leh by Vikas Vashisht
Day 5

Leh to Sauma Paldar via Shingra koma :

Today was full Excitement Day as we were about to Put our first Step on Chadar. We woke up early in the Morning ReChecked our bags arranged all the things, were not finally ready for the trail ( Bcz Breakfast ni dia tha Saalon ne )

Tempo travellers were at the Door around 8.00 am to pick up the trekkers. Our Leader gave us the small Orientation before leaving and give us the best wishes. We Started the drive from hotel at 9.00 to Shingra koma which was about 70 kms by road from leh and exeperienced some beautiful views of Indus river.

As we get Closer the inspiring sight of frozen Zanskar River made us more excited about the trek.

finally, the point came were we deboarded from vehicle leaders give us tips on how to walk on Chadar ( they call it a Penguin walk ) and started our journey to the Sauma paldar campsite.

My First Step on Chadar

Photo of Zanskar Valley Road by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Zanskar Valley Road by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Zanskar Valley Road by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Zanskar Valley Road by Vikas Vashisht

It took us a time to get Comfortable walking on a Glassy ice sheet. After a walk of 3-4 hrs we reached our first Campsite and it was going to be my first experience of camping under Sub- Zero temperature. Tents were Set alltogether, we had a dinner with fellow trekkkers everybody introduced to each other had a great time and slept.

Day 6

Saumo Paldar to Tibb Cave ( 11kms )

After Spending a Cold night it was a Difficult task to get out of the tents next Morning in such a frosty Condition. Dry toilet tents were installed nearby for use & hot water was given by porters for brushing our teeths and to wash our face. Before leaving we had our breakfast and a hot cup of tea which energizes our senses.

Today is going to be a long walking session of 6-7 hrs than earlier day. As we started heading towards our next campsite, the route has some eye - catching views & frozen waterfalls that stand in time. The Mighty Zanskar River with a turkquoise blue shades flows with us all along the trail.

Photo of Zanskar River by Vikas Vashisht

Started heavy Snowfall on d way

Photo of Zanskar River by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Zanskar River by Vikas Vashisht

Lunch is Served in b/w Somwhere and by 5 pm in the evening we were at Tibb campsite the area was sorrounded by dry sand with a beautiful mountains curves view.

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

Met Radhika Sharma ( the famous travel Influencer )

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Day 7

Tibb cave to Nearak (13km)

This Day we woke up early in the Morning as we have to Cover a Long Distance. We packed all our things fast did our breakfast nd Start moving towards the Most awaited Destination - Naerak frozen waterfall ( the Highlight of this trek ).

After a walk of around 8 kms our next campsite was already Settled somwhere in b/w of Tibb Cave & Nareak waterfall. We left all our luggages here had our Lunch and Start moving towards the destination. This time the view is more attractive as we reached Naerak the giant waterfall was standing infront of us,

It was a nature's materpiece in itself with a beautiful Sorroundings. All were busy in clicking the pictures the place was bit crowdy. We spend more than 1 hour there exploring the view, Peace & beauty of himalayas.

Fisrt Look of Naerak Waterfall

Photo of Tibb Cave, Zanskar Valley Road by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Tibb Cave, Zanskar Valley Road by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Tibb Cave, Zanskar Valley Road by Vikas Vashisht

Met Rajat Singh (the Mountain man) - he has Done Stok Kangri 21 times

Photo of Tibb Cave, Zanskar Valley Road by Vikas Vashisht

Later we have to leave for our campsite which was around 5-6 kms on the way back. We came slowly - slowly enjoying the whole Scenic beauty, Nature & watching birds around. Reached Campsite around 6 had a Dinner, camp overnight Sing some Songs getting together nd Slept.

Day 8

Nearak to Sauma paldar

After a breakfast today, we Started our return Journey to Sauma paldar. It was the most difficult one as the Zanskar river constantly changes its form due to which most of the Frozen Ice has been melted and we have to change our path after a small stretch. We were not able to recognize the sights, as it all seems so different.

So the thrill was not over yet till we reached our pickup point.

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

Captured the Moment of this Little Bird

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

On d Way Back

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

After a walk of around 7 hours Sauma paldar campsite was here. Today Porters arranged the born fire sing a few locals traditional Songs, danced with us. We all had a dinner together it was memorable campsite night.

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Day 9

Sauma paldar to Leh via Chilling :

Finally it was our Last day on Chadar and the most awaited after these harsh conditions.

Subh ka Safar Roj ki tarah Shuru ho Gya tha Breakfast ke baad. Most of the Chadar formation was broken as crowd increasd day by day. It Seems to be a difficult condition for upcoming trekkers. By hook or Luck we all reached safely at the starting point.

Celebrated our Victory Give a big thanks to all porters team & leaved for Leh City

We have Done it.. Yeah!

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

Victory ka Josh

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

Our Group Squad

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

they r Deciding to take a holy Dip in Zanskar river or Not?

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

Ab bs Intezaar tha ki kab Leh hotel mai bed mile - the relaxing moment

We Reachd Leh Rested for a while and in the evening our fellow trekkers Planned to Celebrate the Last Night + Our Victory ✌????

And in the Evening : We all get together, all Setup was done, Bornfire was ready, Music was on beats we were having a Great time, had a dinner together and when the party was about to finish here ccomes the twist :

My friend Lost his Iphone ????????‍♂️

Raat ke 12 bje aur puri team is Searching for iphone with no network, all night he searched from one place to another Contactd every Single person we met in these 10 Days

Late night apna bhai was like "Chadar trek Mehnga Pd gyaa Bc"

he just Slept for 2-3 hrs

happy Faces at Chadar

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

Maggie khaalo Beta

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

Ye to Banta tha Bhai

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

the Beard Squad

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht

Final Greetng to the tharchin Bhai for his warm hospitality & Love

Photo of Frozen River trek - the walk of Life by Vikas Vashisht
Day 10

Fly out from Leh

Now comes the Day when we were leaving from Leh to Delhi. Our Flight was around 11a.m still bhai woke up early in the morning nd with a hope went to Search his Phone and atlast with a dissapointed face we had to fly out from Leh.

It was a Memorable Chadar trek with Losted iphone Story.