Malaiyo (मलइयो) is prepared out of milk and is available only in the winters mostly from November till February.
Milk with sugar mixed in it, left in a large earthenware container overnight, the mouth covered with thin cloth. At dawn the vessel would be opened, a little rosewater and saffron added and the milk churned vigorously. The delicacy is the foam!! "Mailyo"!! Served in khullad's.
"The dew just gave it a different flavour"!
If one plans to visit Varanasi at this time of the year, one must taste Mailyo! It has to be, has to be eaten early, by 11 a.m the temperature reaches the point when the foam starts vanishing automatically.
In Delhi it is known as Daulat ki Chaat and in Lucknow Makhan Malai!!
P.C. Pranati Kamani