A new place. Some new people. New houses. New roads!
It's great to be in a place where no one knows you. Where you can find yourself better. I believe everyone should travel in every 2 3 months just to find ourselves. Just to find our inner soul. It's like a routine. Which I discovered a year ago. You travel, then you come back to your old boring life. But you'll not feel dezy or least interested towards your work. It'll feel refreshing. Trust me, I does.
I was frustrated and depressed with my personal life. But then I discovered this formula. And look at me now. I'm happier. Because at the end of the we all want to be happy no matter what happens.
In our lives, sometimes you'll feel like leave everything and start something new. Bam!! That's the time when you really should be doing something with it.
Just take some days off. And go for a trip. For the first trip let it be for 2 or 3 days. Go somewhere! Anywhere!
Go to an unknown place. But ignore those cliché tourist spots. Remember one thing, you're not a tourist. Because tourist sees what their guide wants them to see. But travelers are the hero of their own story. They can see anything they wants. They can go anywhere they wants.
Here are some ideas I'm giving you for your first solo trip.
1.Don't spend too much on hotels. Do some research first. See if there's any hostel. Contact with them. Then it'll be cheaper.
2. Don't carry too much luggage. 1 sack is enough for everything you need. Pack your bag only with the things you need. Don't make it too heavy with too much clothes.
3. After arriving there, go for a walk. Talk to local folks. Taste some of their local dishes. Use public transport.
4. Try to discover what is the difference in between your city and this new city.
5. Try to learn their language.
6. Make some friends.
7. Roam around like you're a local.
8. Don't look at your past. Or think about your office.
9. Don't even try to think what you'll do tomorrow. Just live the moment.
10. Last but not the least, be happy.
Try these out. And let me know.
I'm hell sure you'll succeed in feel different from inside. You'll discover your soul. You'll know what you really want from your life. And the main thing is, you'll get time to spend time with yourself. Which is you hardly get time for with your busy schedule!