Totally fascinated. They are truly mysterious yet revealing.. No one knows why these structures were created 4500 years ago (2500 BC); believed to be ruins, burial site, a temple, procession site and more. It is believed that the structure was made over 1000 years by ancestors who were nomads and had knowledge of time, sun rise and set and seasons.
Made of stones called Sarsens with average weight of 30 tons and height ranging from 2 ft to 7ft. Such heavy stones were sourced from far off and transported via boats.. However it would have taken many many people to carry each stone to its site and erect it.
Don't miss the huts created probably for the people who built it or lived there once. Every little thing is so well preserved
Best part is this country has knowledge of such old civilisation that existed many many years ago.. Unfortunately, we have little knowledge or available archeological remains of Indian civilisation