Every blogger's story- "You weren't doing that until I was!" #blog #bloggers

11th Oct 2020
Photo of Every blogger's story- "You weren't doing that until I was!" #blog #bloggers by Travel Clues

It's been a year I started my travel page on instagram and also launched travel clues a travel company to fulfill travel dreams of travellers. The idea of starting the travel page was to share my own travel experience, to share travel tips & tricks and also share information about some great off bit travel places. After completing a year I thought of putting something which I personally have experienced during these days. 

I completely understand that bloggers or creators out there put their mind and soul on their page, work and make great content 🙂. I truly appreciate you guys..keep doing good work ❤️

After reading this I hope everybody will agree to me! As this is nothing in personal with anyone but purely my experience or what I have seen in the last one year.

Maitreyi Buddha- Ladhak

Photo of Every blogger's story- "You weren't doing that until I was!" #blog #bloggers by Travel Clues

1. When people copy work : There are two types of people. One who put their time, brain, heart and soul to create something. And others who just randomly copy the work without even applying their brain and post it.  What to do: either you can report, ask friends to report the account or  put a story and raise it so that others should know it. 

2. Copyrights: well, copyrights is nothing but a form of intellectual property so that you can protect your work but these days people feel using "©" symbols next to the name means you can claim the work. And hence have observed people misusing the symbol often. Come on it's just not a symbol but involves a legal law behind it. I have seen people copying content and even work from others and putting © symbols on it.  This won't take you long. It's about integrity. What to do: Claim your work or get copyright or trademark permission legally for your own work.

3. When people steal your Ideas or concepts and don't even give you credits. If you really get inspired and copy someone's idea or concept, it's basic courtesy to appriciate the creator. it's basic ethics to give due credit to the person.

P.S : This is not your Idea!

4. Collaboration and free product & services: Some people start their blog just to get free products and fame! This actually happens. please don't start just for a sake rather be honest with what you do!

5. Taking good pictures of Food doesn't make you a food blogger. The only point is don't call yourself a blogger, else add a name of a Cook/Baker who have prepared that food. I really appreciate those hard core food bloggers who makes variety of dishes on their own, garnish the dish and write their experience about the food and post, whereas some people just take pictures of a food or dishes prepared by others and copy the food details from Google and post it with copyrights...that's so funny!

If you are a blogger you will be consistent. You will be posting content that shows your own creativity. Grow from zero and be a popular one. That takes you long way. Trust me that gives you a lot of happiness and sence of accomplishment

Leh Ladakh

Photo of Every blogger's story- "You weren't doing that until I was!" #blog #bloggers by Travel Clues

Let's just understand the word blogger and use it in its true sence. Don't devalue it or make it sound easy!. Also stop copying content or ideas from others else appriciate and give due credit. If you inspired by others idea then apply your own personal touch and use it. Remember if you appriciate other, others will appriciate you. This will take you long way. Happy Blogging Guys and Much love to all 🤗 Check out my own content and travel blogs on instagram @travel_clues_

Photo of Every blogger's story- "You weren't doing that until I was!" #blog #bloggers by Travel Clues