There can b a list of secret destinations for an individual .Some of them one might be unaware, some destination evolve while we are on our planed trip and turn out to be the most beautiful memory for our life time. Life is a journey like most of the travelers , I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen but the desire is to see even beyond and there should be limitless explorations to the endless opportunities to keep going on this earth.There is a different smell in the every air..every destination.We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best thing we could do ourselves is to establish the best in us. Readers this blog is for you to guide about the essential things one must carry during a "solo trip"

First Aid Kit:to avoid unwanted medical aid /hospitals and to minimize the expenses during your travel one must carry a compact first aid kit for meeting the quick medical requirements .This kit should contain bare minimum prescribed standard medicines to meet your fever/cold and caught remedies. keeping an antiseptic lotion/small bandage/cotton and an antiseptic cream is also a good option.

Quick Eats: for solo travelers food is as important as their own internal happiness. Actually both are equally proportional to each other. Most happy person on this earth is the person who has his stomach full. Readers it is advised to all the solo travelers to keep some small eats and munchies for a quick replenishment of your apatite, this will also avoid your unwanted halts and reduce your travel time. Nutri Bars, Oat meal, Fresh Fruits are the best healthy options one can easily accommodate in the bag-pack to travel with. Cup Noodles are also good to have for a change as a taste buster. Dark chocolates are also a very quick source of energy.
A easy to carry flash light tourch :its always good to carry portable hand-held electric light for precautionary measure during the journeys performed in the later part of the day. It can work an asset in the absence of electric supply and also for our wild travelers.

A Book: Any book of your choice/preferences beat a drama ,fiction,mythology, Hindi, English, or any other language, it will definitely comfort you during your long journeys. If it is a travel guide of that particular part of country you are visiting it will turn out to be asset for you as a solo traveler. Books for all obvious reasons have an intellectual impact on everybody , its like a pal ...the closer ...the better !!

A good quality Camera: For all the memories that we cherish and to capture every bit of it a nice camera is needed. Its not only the requirement of a solo traveler rather it is the backbone of every travel. our travel plans are incomplete without it. so i would just advice all readers to pick up the camera of your choice nad keep moving!!

A Pen: I no in this techno era most of us are using their I-pads, Mobile phones and many other techno gadgets for keeping records of so many things. No doubt it has made our live more convenient . But Readers believe you me try pen downing all that you see in a note book or on a piece of paper, and believe you me it has a beautiful impact on our sole. It always feels good while writing about our own trilling experiences. A pen will always help everyone otherwise also for signing of bills, travelers cheque or marking of a map.

A warm Jacket: Weather has no reason to change and especially when we are traveling from north to south.Poles are changing then why not the weather. Keeping a jacket is always a safe option while you are traveling alone. A sudden expenditure of buying a jacket at an unknown place will definitely save some money and will turn out to be style quotient and a life savior.

Carry less toiletries:lesser toiletries will save some space in your bag and will allow to accommodate more Souvenir.For a travel junky i will always recommend to carry all portable essential miniatures, easily available in the market for toiletries and are very convenient to use and the same can be replenished anywhere.

Less Cash:Holding cash can be very risky in an unknown destinations specially for solo traveler. Lot of options for plastic money is available in this digital world, explore them.It brings out lot of comfort for easy transaction. But yes keep some cash alive in your pocket.

Don't keep all your personal documents together: Segregate all your personal documents while you are traveling and keep the most important document in the lesser used space of your bag. It will easy out your life in case of an emergency or in-case you have lost something.

An Umbrella: Just carry never know the weather.

Above are my recommendations is all your wish. In our own life in our own ways we can make things possible, easy and convenient . let our travel going!!i wish you all a happy itinerary.