Enchanting Plitvice Lakes National Park!

Photo of Enchanting Plitvice Lakes National Park! by therookietravellers

I would bet anything if you aren't mesmerized by this beautiful god's creation. Are you a hiker? nature lover? photographer? you are at the right place. This UNESCO heritage site is a fav due to its breathtaking views, its floura & fauna and the unique turquoise waters.

Photo of Enchanting Plitvice Lakes National Park! 1/6 by therookietravellers

The park is primarily covered in forest vegetation, with smaller areas under grasslands. The most attractive part of the park – the lakes – cover just under 1% of the total park area.

The lake system is comprised of 16 named and several smaller unnamed lakes, cascading one into the next. Due to the geological substrate and characteristic hydrogeological conditions, the lake system has been divided into the Upper and Lower lakes.

The lakes end in the impressive waterfalls Sastavci, with the Korana River springing under the base of the falls.

The Plitvice Lakes National Park offers visitors seven different routes to tour the lake system, and four hiking trails. The park is open to visitors year round.

Photo of Enchanting Plitvice Lakes National Park! 2/6 by therookietravellers

How to reach the park.

If you are in Zagreb or Split you'll get frequent buses and day tours, the time duration about 2.5 hours from Zagreb and 5 hours from Split. You can also rent a car and stay overnight in the area to get the earliest possible start. I stayed over night to visit the park early next day, and it was super convineint.



We booked Bellevue Hotel, The hotel is just next to the entrance 2 of the Plitvice Lakes National Park so it’s superb if you want to spend two days there . The hotel is basic, clean and I think it’s good enough & economical. Good breakfast, Lunch and dinner options available at nearby hotels. Wifi was good.

Photo of Enchanting Plitvice Lakes National Park! 3/6 by therookietravellers
Dining area of the hotel
Photo of Enchanting Plitvice Lakes National Park! 4/6 by therookietravellers
Double bed room with outer deck close to gate 2
Photo of Enchanting Plitvice Lakes National Park! 5/6 by therookietravellers
Photo of Enchanting Plitvice Lakes National Park! 6/6 by therookietravellers

You can listen to the falls and have coffee outside on the deck, it's breathtaking.

There are many other options available you can check out booking.com

What to do when in the park??

I have been there in early October, the weather was still nice and the water was incredibly turquoise.

Get to the park at the right time.... early morning is the best time to enter the park.

Ticket sales (all entrances) until 17:00

Parking lots at Entrance 1 and Entrance 2 -7:00 – 21:00

There is also a super fun boat ride which you shouldn't miss.

Electric boat

Short route (P1 – P2) 7:00 – 19:00 (as needed)

Long route (P2 – P3) 8:00 – 17:30 (every 30 min.)

Long route (P3 – P2) 8:30 – 18:00 (every 30 min.)

The following is strictly prohibited in the National Park:

Collection of plant materials, or taking any “souvenirs” of natural origin

Feeding the animals

Swimming in the lakes

Disposal of litter along the trails or elsewhere, except in the garbage bins installed throughout the park

Straying off the marked trails


Wearing the appropriate clothing and footwear

Bringing adequate rain and sun protection (umbrella, raincoat; sunglasses, hat, sunscreen – depending on the season)

Be sure to check the information listed on the website about the length of certain trails, to ensure to you have enough time to complete the desired tour.

Keep food and drink in closed containers and do not leave residues of food and other waste in the nature

Dispose of waste at designated disposal site or else you will be heavily fined.

Thanks for reading!