Mummee, I have a shoe bite!
Papa,did you see my charger?
Madam, show me the original birth certificate of the child.
A parents's role is never ending, and travelling is no exception. If you planned to just chill, then better go solo and try not to think of the family left behind.
My holidays are empty, meaningless without my family. To have a saner and somewhat relaxing holiday, I make lists. It gives me illusion of control and being well prepared.
As you travel more and more you get experienced and are able to plan an individualised checklist suiting the unique needs of your own family.

Here is my checklist of the various steps I take to plan a fulfilling stress free holiday with kids.
Draw up a list or various stages of holiday planning. Lets start.
1.Type of holiday- Domestic or International?
2.Type of trip-Road trip (self- drive or with a driver) Train or air travel?
3.Stay-Choice of places -Apartment, Airbnb or hotel?
Does the stay include cooking, cleaning ,washing?
Many a slips between cup and lips…..
Lets discuss the commonalities between the types of holiday first.Your list will be influenced by these.
1.Climate 2.Duration 3. Self planned or tour
For International travel that involves visa, travel insurance,vaccination etc ,the whole process may start as early as 6 months.
I. Two week prior to travel

1. Documents - Save soft copies of all important documents on your phone and email these to yourself too. It should include passport copies, visa,travel insurance, bookings ,birth certificates, marriage certificate, adhaar cards and now your covid vaccine card etc.
If travelling internationally do check the document requirements of these destination. For instance South Africa immigration will ask for your child’s original birth certificate. In Italy if your child is eligible for free entry in various tourist attraction, the ticket office will check the original passport of the child to allow entry.
Coming back to our two weeks prior list.
2.Medical supplies -ORS packets, band-aids, paracetamol(calpol for kids), boro plus ,cotton, gauge, mosquito spray,any specfic medicines you need etc
3.Travel essentials-sunglasses,caps,hats,comfortable shoes,rucksack,document pound,extra masks,sanitizers,surgical gloves etc
4. Destination specific essentials - specific clothing items like swimsuits, raincoat, body warmers, gloves, scarfs and wraps(specially muslim countries where you need to keep your shoulders and legs covered),transparent mobile covers(great choice if are visting waterfalls,beach
II. A week or 5 days before travel list.
For a road trip (after consultation with the kids)

Food stuff-Make your own personalised list keeping in mind the nutrition value as travelling can be hard on body.

Entertainment- Again its more personalised and depending on the age of your child.
Camping -If your road trip trip involves camping ,hiking then be selective of the stuff you carry even if you have your own car.You need to have enough space for kids to sit and spread their stuff around that they need to entertain themself.Even you as adult need to lie down to rest during long drives.
Accomodation-Call the hotel,lodge and reconfirm your booking especially of you booked on sites like booking.com,agoda etc.
III. 2 days before trip
1.Get the vehicle checked .
2.Download the map of the area you are staying on your phone.
3.Take screenshot of the important landmarks you expect to find on your road trip to remind you to stop at these places.
4.Make sure to check the ATMs in the area you are travelling.
5.Arrange for small currency notes in case of road side buys like fruits or local snacks.
6.Call the hotel again and remind them of your reservations and any specfic request you may have.
7.Pack your suitcases and finish all the last moment shoppings.
8.Recheck all the online bookings to attractions and add reminders on phone. Example: 3.30 pm booking at museum.
IV. Last moment list-This one is rather indivudual and depends on your family.I would pack items like toiltetries,food ,water,lock my suitcases,check documents ,get kids to use washroom moments before locking the house and so on...
What else to plan?
For a shorter 3-4 day roadtrip carry perishable and non perishable items that you may need for cooking like refined oil,rice, pasta, breakfast idli, Maggie, onions, tomatoes, potatoes ,lemons, garlic ginger and chillies as well as dish washing paste, wiping cloth and bit of detergent.
You should also have a list of the quick to assemble and prepare nourishing meals like paneer /cucumber sandwich, poha,kichadi, curd/lemon rice, maggie with vegetables /egg , egg-mayo or potato mayo salad, bhel etc. You need strength to be a tourist and its no joke walking/driving for the whole day. Ghar ka khanna introduces familarity to a new strange place and reduces traveling stress.It also helps you avoid stomach upsets and is budget friendly too.
Anyting else?...Actually a very important bit.
Babies and toodlers-Let them wear a identification badge with full details-child's name,parents name,phone numbers,passport number and local contact details.
A bit older kids should be wearing identification badge but make them memorise your phone numbers and hotel/lodge address too.
Teenagers-They should memorise as well as save important documents,local address/phone numbers on their phones.Mine carry physical identification badges in their pockets.This is especially important if you plan on changing hotels,apartments frequently like on road trips or multi country Europe trip.
Teach worst scenario lessons
1.Getting lost
-Stay at the spot when you realise you are lost - mum-dad will come looking for you
-Keep a lookout for a policeman.
-If no policeman is around than ask a lady to help you but never accompany them.
2.In case of accident
-If mummy or papa are hurt. Locate mummy’s / papa’s phone and call the emergency number.
-Don’t leave the accident spot with a stranger.
-Insist on going to hospital with mummy- papa.
God forbid you child needs to use these strategies but better be prepared.
In the end...
Inspite of all these extensive lists and prior planning , forecasting or foreseeing every requirement /moment/need is not possible.So

Be flexible-Its hard to drop planned excursion or that adavnce costly ticket to yet another attraction but sometimes it has to be done.Priority is to have a happy holiday and not a tiring experience.
Shop if there is urgent need.You budget needs to have some consistency for such moments.
Rest if you observe any family member getting cranky and tired.
Let it go-Don't feel guilty or upset if plans don't work out as you expected.
Travelling is bonding time for the family, therapeutic experience.Enjoy it to the fulliest.