Discussion over a late night cup of tea,leads to a memorable trip with a twist which will be there in my memories for my rest of d life...its my first blog guys,so plz read till end
It was a holiday the next day so we guys didn't want to spend the whole day sleeping in our room so we decided to lets have a cup of tea nd make a plan....so we shortlisted some places around for a short trip and finalize HATU PEAK as our destination
Then we filled food from a dhaba (24/7) , got our car tanks got full....song volume to max nd pressed the accelerator to an unexpected trip

3:00. a.m.
Driving though empty highways we entered mountains...with our eyes open with excitement nd as well as in search of a ATM😅😂...as we saw a atm we got down from the car nd the chilling brezze hit us we were oohhhhhhhh thats pretty cold,but everything got zeroed in front of the excitement 😅😅
5:30 a.m.
entered shimla,now our cars and body required some rest so we decided to halt at a tea shop which was run by a really friendly person in his mid 60s,we had tea and Maggie (official mountain food) served with his love....he also helped us with the route nd we resumed our journey

6:30 a.m
the sun started to rise as well as number of halts, u know the "pahado mai ulti" our two frnds in the other car were not well this slowed our speed nd they were left behind so we took a halt nd clicked some pics nd enjoyed the sun rise in chillin cold weather

8:00 a.m.
reached narkanda after several halts nd clicked some pics....now our bodies were in a urgent need of rest so we startd searching for some camps or guest house for two hrs halt nd then we found one...the person gave us tents to stay nd also gave us home like breakfast a delicious one

11:00 a.m.
as our grp maily went for a adventure trip so we decided to trek to hatu peak nd as it was unplanned trek we were just climbing mountain towards the peak nd as it was steep enough nd our fitness level was very low it took 3 -4 hrs to reach the top...but scenic views took away our body pains and finally we reached the top

3:30 p.m.
we were on our way down one of our friends got hurt nd he couldn't walk so we decided to bring one car half way but... tire of that car bursted and what to be worse no tire changing kit and spare wheel was there in the car ,three of us went down to the town to arrange mechanic or tire
It was taking them long time to come and the sun started to set the temperature dipped,then the man vs wild in us woke and we started to collect small twigs nd dry moss then burrowed a match box from a passerby nd were successful in our mission....till this other people came with a new tire we replaced it😅😅

6:00 p.m
we started our journey back to college after a cup of tea
9:00 p.m.
we reached shimla nd decieded to have our dinner at mall road
10:30 p.m.
we resumed our journey back to college with sleep in our eyes,pain in legs nd back, tension of attending college the next day
2:15 a.m.
Without any halt,we kept each other awake reached college....
finally one of the most memorable trip of my college life ends successfully 🙌
next morning all of us discussed our experience in class...
blessed to have such people around me,who help to make college fun👊🙌