Creative Ways to Travel the World


It is easy to get lost in the everyday world of work, obligations, social media feeds and errands you have to run. In a world full of demands on your time you can quickly lose sight of what is truly important in life. Yes, it's wonderful to achieve things and a sense of accomplishment is great. In the long run, though, our hearts and souls often yearn for something more. If you find it hard to get out of bed each morning and everything feels like drudgery, perhaps it's time to turn your life into a celebration. Start dreaming about the incredible places you dream of seeing and experiencing in the world and explore some creative ways of making your travel wishes come true.

Studying Abroad

If you are a student and you'd like to immerse yourself in a foreign culture, studying abroad could be the perfect solution for you. When you attend college overseas you can enjoy living in an exciting new place and truly have a chance to experience the food, people and local events. You can also travel to other cities and countries on weekends or during school breaks. One of the best ways to finance your overseas school adventure is by taking out school loans. You can qualify for federal student loans by choosing a foreign college that is approved by your home university. Eligibility rules can be tricky so it's best to check with your financial aid office on the details. Another great option is to take out a private study abroad loan which is certified by your overseas university.

Travel by Cargo Ship or Tramp Steamer

Lots of people can move about by trains, planes and automobiles. True explorers yearn for something unique, for journeys that are far from the beaten path. One of the best ways to satisfy the craving for an amazing adventure is to travel the world on a cargo ship or tramp steamer. You can go almost anywhere in the world when you go by freighter. An average voyage might last some 40 to 50 days, and around the world journeys could easily stretch to 100 days. Costs are generally lower than for cruise ships and all meals will be provided. Many ships only have a couple of cabins for travelers so it is critical to book well in advance.

WWOOF’ing Around the World

Travelers from across the globe come together in international locations as part of the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) program. You sign up with the organization in your home country and you are then able to research work trade opportunities in over 100 countries. Accommodations and meals are often provided, and you'll be able to work in eco-villages and vineyards as well as on organic farms. This is a great option if you really want to stretch your horizons and learn new things. At each new place, you will learn new skills and you'll work with people from around the world. It's possible to learn new languages and to explore new business models for making money from innovative, co-operative ventures. For instance, one WWOOF group specializes in structures that contain a wood pizza oven on the bottom and an enclosed deck above that for sleeping. Campers get to enjoy great pizza outdoors and the pizza chimney heats their lodgings for the night!