September is here and the Indian railways cheer up its passengers.
Railway has decided to make train travel hassle-free by introducing a clone train. Wondering what it is? Well, it’s a special train to be launched for carrying the waitlisted passengers. So, if all goes well..no more waiting for confirmation. 80 more special trains to operate in addition to the already 230 already plying. Wherever there is a long waitlist, the clone train will run ahead of the actual train to make travel hassle-free. The operation of this special train will be determined by closely analyzing the sectors and trains, which have a long waitlist.
This scheme is like the already existing ‘Vikalp Scheme’ by the Indian railways in which the passenger will be allotted nearby boarding and destination instead of the original.
When is it starting
This train will be operational from the 12th of September and will be operational in congested routes to ferry waisted passengers.
The reservation process of 8 special trains has already started on 10th September.
Special features of this train
This train is an alternative to the actual train with the same capacity.
It will be available only when the actual train has a long list of waitlisted ticket holders. So, the clone will only carry the waitlisted passengers.
The berth and the seat number will be allotted after the reservation chart of the actual train is finalized four hours before departure.
These trains will likely be introduced in the next 15 days and a notification will be issued.
The clone train is going to be introduced as an experiment and we hope that this turns out to be a successful one!
So go ahead..book and add joy to your scenic journey with train travel