This was at Shanghai i was part of tech event.Just came out from session on AI technology and suddenly weather changed. This made me realize With the crazy weather changes lately, it got me thinking about the crazy changes of life. I think it’s safe to say that we should never allow ourselves to get too comfortable with life. Like the weather, life can change on dime and at the most unexpected times. Kind of scary isn’t it? It’s scary that you never know what can happen from one day to the next. But, there’s also something comforting about being somewhat prepared for the unexpected.
what do you do when a sudden, unexpected change comes your way? Well, I’ve had many people who have asked me this question, “Erica, how did you get through it?”. And all I can say is, you just do. Really, if you want to be happy, you have to accept the changes and keep living life. When unexpected changes came up in my life, such as,Losing your parent, Break Up, Jobless and Major accident losing my vision and hearing. I had no choice, but to accept what changed and deal with it. First, I of course, cried, grieved and experienced the shock value of it all. Then, I got a hold of my thoughts and became proactive. Now, I think you definitely have to allow yourselves to feel the change. After you allow yourself to feel, you have to force yourself to shake it off and start moving forward again. Although you may not see the silver lining when you are going through the change, I promise, things do get better. The best thing to do, is allow yourself to move forward in a positive direction and embrace life’s changes – good or bad. If it’s a good change, great! If it’s a change that seems like an ending, new beginnings are in your future. Just Be positive and Believe in yourself . #thoughts #writersofinstagram #writeraofindia #travelgirl #travelblogger #entrepreneurlife #startup #changemaker #girlslovetravel #femmetravel #india_everyday #shanghai #china???????? #travel_drops #tripavisor #tripotocommunity #explorers #discover_earth #skyline #womentravel #womentrip #womenempowerment #wovoyage