Railway stations where trains come stop and go , people wait for different trains towards different places. But there are few stations which wait for trains, people are regular and know the timings of the trains Better than the loco pilot
They come on time Followed by the train and move the station remain waiting. There won't be too much of destinations every schedule ends at one point for them this will be a daily routine, part of life. They enjoy the repetitions
Stations will be familiar to them like a verandah in their home. They used to with every here and there, they talk with the benches and trees they also might be replaying. They have their own way of communication which developed and passed by the past generation. Life will move on between two rails. Journeys will continue, trains will come in certain intervals and people will travel in it. Today, tomorrow,day after and so on. The stations will be noting their stories and keep it for the next generation. Every story of today will be a history one day.