Day 1
From our day to day hectic 9-5 schedule, we were frustrated and planned a last moment trip to Serlosar lake near jalori jot situated in distt Kullu ,Tehsil Banjar.
The Jalori jot remains open for the entire season ,till there is heavy snowfall(Generally in Mid-November ,after that you can trek on your own risk).
We started our journey from Rampur Bushahr at 6am in Morning. Jalori Jot is 85km away from Rampur Bushahr but may take about 5hr to reach due to congested roads and long lines of traffic .There are only few buses that ply between Rampur and Kullu via Jalori Jot.We Reached Jalori Jot at 12:00pm in Afternoon.Bus halts for the breakfast at Luhri which is 35km from Rampur Bushahr and stops for 30min at Anni Bus-stand. Anni Bus stand is the last place where you can get ATM service.The one way ticket from Rampur Bushahr to Jalori Jot cost me around 200 INR.
1. HRTC (Rampur To Kullu via Bagipul) – 6:am
2. HRTC (Rampur To Kullu )—9:am
These two Buses will drop you at the start of Serlosar Lake Trek and Jalori Pass .There are also some private buses(One or Two) that go via Jalori Jot. If you are coming from Shimla then you can take bus directly to Anni Bus stand and then further to Jalori pass . Remember bus service is limited hence try to catch the above buses.
Distance between Rampur Bushahr to Jalori Jot 85Km.
We reached Jalori Jot at 12:00pm in afternoon.There are plently of Dhaba near Jalori Jot.And for our surprise, we came to know that the Jalori Jot is also the starting point for Raghupur fort trek which is about 2.5km steep trek and can be covered within 3hrs depending on your fitness.

The way to serlosar lake via Jalori Jot is well Paved. The distance from Jalori Jot to Serlosar Lake is about 5km and takes roughly about 2-3hrs depending on your fitness. You will get plenty of options for food and stay on the way and also near the lake. The campsites are well established by the locals with plenty of options to stay ,from tents to the cozy rooms.

You can also pitch your own tents. There is mobile connectivity till Jalori Jot and no signal zone as you head towards the lake. No ATM service is available and mode of payment is Cash and Google Pay(Don’t rely on the online payment just carry enough cash).There is Airtel connectivity beyond the lake after few minutes of hike.
We reached lake at 2:30pm after an amazing walk through the magical forest and got the first glimpse of the lake. I stood at the lake for a moment trying to grasp my breathe and view was splendid.
The Budhi Nagin Temple is situated on the left bank of the lake. There is stay facility by the temple itself which cost around 500 INR per room. The rooms are not that much cozy and the temperature drop drastically by mid night.

There is Dhaba by Name PARAMOUNT Cafe or call it Dhaba ,managed by Ramesh bhaiya and you can Contact him at +919805526021....(Disclaimer=This is not a sponsored blog,so choosing a stay is your option and any inconvenience at stay is not my responsibility.So plan accordingly. ) beyond the lake which will provide you all the facilities including water from the lake and stay option at just 800INR per person which includes Dinner and Breakfast for next day including bonefire and tents. Yes ,there is no water facilities and there is no provision for toilets near the lake so going out in the open is only option(It would be generous if you learn about HOW TO SHIT IN THE WOODS).

We opted to stay in the Temple rooms(There are no beds, so sleeping on the floor is only option) where we were given mattress and plenty of Blankets(5 blankets per person).We had our tea at this beautiful Dhaba in the mountain and dinner was served in the rooms which was equipped with the traditional wooden stove and then we he told us his experience around this lake for years. There is no electricity at the temple so carry your own powerbank and torch.

There is room in the temple where you can have bonefire ,we sat there for rest of the night and then went to sleep.
It was 7:00am in the morning and I can feel my back hurting a bit (due to floor and the cold).I woke up a got out side my room and for my surprise I saw the whole mountain was covered in white blanket, for a moment my heart missed a beat and then I realized it wasn’t the snow but the frozen dew drops.

Then I walked around the lake and the forest alone in the morning, it was an unforgettable experience. In nutshell, a walk to remember as I was alone and only sound of air brushing against the forest and rays of sun scattering all over the lake.

Then our breakfast was served and around 9am.

And then after a while ,we started our journey back to Jalori Jot. If you have enough time then you can ahead further to Nochi Top ,which is about 20min from the Temple and 360 degree peak which is about 30min walk from the jalori Jot.
To sum up a trek is Easy but the elevation is a bit high and the temperature drop is sudden so its better to bring proper winter clothes as you may experience a snow fall in the night(oct-feb month).
Total Cost
One way Ticket- 200INR apprx (Rampur To Jalori Jot)
Stay in Room -- 500INR(won’t recommend as you may feel cold)
Dinner per person -- 100INR
Breakfast per person --100INR
Miscellaneous--- Tea Snacks etc--200INR
Total Cost-- 1300INR.
Stay in Tent -- 800INR(Per person for Tent, Bonefire, Dinner and Breakfast) *you can bargain acc to ur skills.
Thankyou for being here.
Enjoy your trip and travel responsibly.
#serlosarlake #jalorijot #jaloripass #budhinagintemple #selosarlaketrip #budgettriptoserlosarlake