Waheguru ! Waheguru !
Have you ever missed someone so disgustingly that the moment your phone flashes a notification with their name there's an ear to smile on your face...JUST THAT !! You got me right...exactly the same feeling I get when I chant this word...One word, just a one word against thousand actions that can actually make a difference.
And for me it's not just a word, it's a feeling, an emotion which can't be expressed...an eagle would come and kidnap me if I'm Lying !! *kaboom* I'm still here...I bribed it well 😜. But trust me, be it escaping from the traffic police man ( no-no I don't drink and drive, it's just that I'm 23 but have no license. PS : don't judge me ) , or facing my girlfriend's tantrums, it saves me from them all.
I have been a traveller, and I like the serenity and peace of woods and mountains, but nothing can match the peace I find there in Gurudware...it's different there....the air is different there...coz " *Waheguru*" is there in the air. !!