Many candidates underestimate the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam by relying too much on theoretical knowledge without hands-on practice. AWS tests real-world problem-solving skills, so simply memorizing concepts won’t be enough. A common mistake is skipping key services like IAM, VPC, and EC2, which are heavily tested. Another pitfall is mismanaging time during the exam—spending too long on complex questions instead of moving forward and returning later. To avoid these issues, candidates should practice with real AWS scenarios, take timed mock exams, and review official AWS whitepapers.
Another mistake is ignoring cost-optimization and security best practices, which AWS emphasizes in its Well-Architected Framework. Many learners focus only on performance but fail to understand how to design cost-effective and secure architectures. Also, not practicing with realistic exam questions can be a major setback. CertBoosters AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Exam Questions help candidates get familiar with the question format and refine their test-taking strategies. To improve success rates, it’s crucial to simulate exam conditions, understand AWS billing models, and strengthen weak areas before the test.