During March - April, the Tamil month of Panguni, Mylapore dons a festive look. Mylapore is where the city's oldest temple of Lord Shiva, Sri Kapaleeswarar temple is situated. This is when the festival of 63 saints or Nayanmars, or Arupathu Moovar takes place. Idols of 63 Nayanmars are taken in a procession and the entire community takes part in this festival with gaiety and energy. Almost all roads leading to the temple become shopping lanes with a mind boggling range of vendors display their wares on the streets and no one's complaining. Vehicular traffic is not allowed on these streets and it is a multitude of people, people and people. I spent more roaming around the streets to catch a glimpse of color, joy and fervour. It is a street photographer's delight because everyone willingly poses for you and some of them will even invite you to click !
In 2016, the festival dates are 13 March to 24 March with 21 and 22 being the crucial dates. Don't miss it if you are looking out for an eclectic combination of devotion, community festival, joy, gaiety and plenty of photo opportunities showcasing India in its vibrant form !
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