Hello Travelers! I'm sure you are here after being attracted to the word 'Backpacker'. Backpacking, It’s more than just slinging a pack over your shoulder and setting off into the wild blue yonder. It’s a way of seeing the world and interacting with it.
We always hear about the distinction between tourists and backpackers, although it's all about perspective how someone prefers to travel. A backpacker travels to experience different cultures and leads a way of life that is completely different from his or her own. Tourists, on the other hand, travel purely for relaxation and pleasure. ‘A Backpacker goes deeper, they crave freedom’.
A tourist plans every single day and will be able to tell you exactly what they’re doing seven days from now, at an exact time. A backpacker will have no clue as to what they will be doing tomorrow, let alone next week. Tourists will visit “hotspots” or must-see attractions and do everything the tour operator tells them to. A backpacker has no rules, they are ready to change plans in the blink of an eye. Their flexibility is enviable.

Let's do little fun around your traits of being a backpacker and see if you’re a backpacker at heart? Below are some signs of being a backpacker and you score 1 point for each sign if that applies to you. Let's calculate your score!
1. You know the tips and tricks of budget travel.
2. It's not uncommon for you to plan your next trip whilst on your current adventure.

3. You can say “cheers” in more languages than you’d like to admit.
4. Everything you own fits into one pack.

5. You ask people where they’re from before you ask them what their name is, and you remember them according to where they came from.
6. You prefer to spend your money on experiences than material things.
7. As you get older, you swear you give up dorms and then book one for tomorrow night. It’s so cheap!
8. You’ll spend a night in an airport to save money.

9. You have permanent flip-flop tan lines on your feet.
10. You will sleep anywhere as long as it is cheap and bed bug-free.
11. You always desire to explore the strange, new and unknown.
12. You think nothing of sharing a room with the stranger you just met five minutes ago.
13. You feel closer to people you have met during traveling than some of your friends at home that you have had for a lifetime.

14. You have quite a collection of special things that you carry with you - each from a different place or person you've met along the way. You value these more than money.
15. You sometimes use the sniff test to determine the cleanliness of your clothing.

16. Hot water is often seen as a luxury. So is a comfy bed. So is a bathroom in your room. So is air conditioning.
17. You are the one who would cut shot on day-to-day expenses to get one extra backpacking trip.

18. You've slept with more nationalities than countries you've visited.
19. You’re excellent at using hand signs and pantomiming for things you want.
20. You still think the three shirts you have been wearing for the past 6 months are fashionable.

21. You work purely to fund your next adventure.
22. Your Facebook news feed and Instagram feed are constantly streaming with photos from across the globe and different languages.

23. You know everywhere with free Wi-Fi within a three-mile radius.
24. You’d happily eat bread and berries from trees if it means you’ve got more money for beers on the beach.
25. Although your addiction, at times, causes you to feel a little down, or a sense of guilt "for not living enough" - you have an inner excitement that bubbles with the knowledge that an adventure, a new lesson, new friendships, and awakenings are just a short plane ride away!
How did you score?
Score 1-7? You’re just on a little holiday, awww hope you’re having fun! Vacation for relaxation is always a nice break.
8-13? I think I can smell you from here, I bet you left home about six weeks ago right?
14-20? Definitely approaching Real Backpackers status, but you’re just a little too generous with the ₹£$€ and if you haven’t bungee jumped, go do it now!
21-25? I am so PROUD! Well done my little backpacking cherub. You are a Real Backpacker with dreads, bracelets, friends from around the world, and no care for a life without traveling. Applaud yourself, and get a tattoo to mark this momentous occasion. If not that, gift yourself a backpacking weekend getaway.
Any other backpacker traits I’ve missed out? Do let me know in the comments below.
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