Apati, located 16 kilometres from Kargil town and at a considerably higher altitude, is a tiny community steeped in Kargil traditions. The hamlet was in Pakistan’s control till 1971, when it was taken over by India and has since stayed with us. The region experienced combat again during the Kargil conflict, and the Apati War Memorial honours the bravery of the 153 Medium (Artillery) Regiment, which patrols the borders.
Apati’s Buddha relief is a massive sculpture of Maitreya (Future Buddha) carved into the mountainside. The Future Buddha is so named because it is said to be the incarnation of a Bodhisatva who will come to Earth in the future, achieve ultimate enlightenment, and teach pure Dharma. This Buddha, carved in the Gandhara style, dates back to 800 AD, and following the destruction of Bamian Statues, this is one of just three that survive, with the fourth thought to be concealed…