So this story is from my graduation period. I completed my grad from Bhopal,it was a chilled evening I along with my friends came back from ground after our daily sports routine. So we all decided to go for tea at our daily tea stop. So while having our teas we suddenly decided to go to pachmarhi which is around 250 km from Bhopal. And it was a sudden plan , so we made a call to our friend who is in the hostel to pack all the luggage and meet us at doordarshan colony which is near to our college. So within 15-20 minutes he came and asked what had happened thn we told him that we all decided for a bike trip to pachmarhi. So we took out cash from ATMs and made our bikes full of fuel and started our trip.( Now it was bit cold and we were wearing was shorts and tees and our sports shoes). So begin our journey and took our first stop after 55km to have some dinner. So we had dhaba food at one dhaba thn started our journey again now after further 10km we are on the main highway and suddenly it started raining very badly. We all got wet but we had waterproof bags so our luggage was safe. Now we continued our journey now we travelled approx 100-125 km the road was ok. But after a heavy rain roads became swimming pools but we continued riding, we didn't know that roads further are in very bad conditions and potholes were there. We were on 3 bikes with an average speed of 60-70km as we were on a highway so one bike is in front and other is in our back. The bike which is in our front going slowly. But we don't know what was that me and my frnd we r on d same bike. Suddenly we got hit by an potholes and we fall down. Now what we can say either destiny or some good day we r having we were in the other side of the road and from the opposite side trucks were coming and our helmet came into the contact with truck it got thrashed away and we all got nervous a fear stuck in our mind. Our knees and elbows were bleeding. So we decided to stop at a dhaba at hoshangabd. We had 5 glasses of tea per person as it was cold and because of fear we were experiencing more cold. We had our first aid kit so we did baisc first aid now we don't have helmet too we all were in a dilemma whether to continue our journey or not. After having another glass of tea we decided that last 100 km is left only. So we decided we will go to the destination so we again started riding now it was raining we travelled in the rains because we have to reach hostel back as warden took our attendance. So we went there and people were watching us very suspiciously as we r in sports kit and it was cold at the hill. Now let me tell tell you pachmarhi is a hill on which you have travel round and round on blind turns. So if you r not that much good in bike skills better take someone who knows how to ride in such situations. So we reached over the top(at 4am). Now decided to frshn up our selves we went to waterfalls where we took bath and then stared exploring pachmarhi. Thn after we had brkfst and decided that now we will go back around 1 pm . So we refueled our bikes and started coming back same situation it started raining again. But as it was day time we travelled with full Josh and confidence. Thn we took a hault where we met with an accident we saw our helmet pieces and we lost our shades too we got them at that place only but the condition was different. Now while coming back you have to cross river narmada so we decided that we will take bath in the river thn will go further. So by a local path(kaccha Rasta) we took our bikes near to river thn we had a holy bath and then started our journey back. And reached our hostel back around 6 pm. And that journey was really memorable for us.