Vannsh's (5-year) birthday celebration can't be any better. No celebration, no invitees, no spending. But this is the best celebration so far. Me and Vannsh went alone to this Virgin beach with a cake and some refreshments, without any delay he made some good friends over there and invited them to join us. Without any hesitation, they joined us And the rest is mind-blowing.
I was the happiest person on that day seeing my son enjoying with his new friends and keep coming and giving me lots of kisses 🥰🥰.
I can't replace his mother's place or fill that gap and I know the fact that he misses her at times. All I can do is to be the best dad...!
And my happiness doubled for the decision to celebrate with those amazing kids. They enjoyed the cake and drinks to their fullest.
As a father, I believe and try to apply is the famous say, "LEAD BY EXAMPLE". So this is a small effort of mine to teach him that
1)Money Cant Happiness. And this birthday celebration cost me less than INR 1000/-. And the happiness level is beyond imagination.
2) Always try to go out of your territory and known circle to get the best result.
3) Dont go by the looks of the other person, you will only know their capabilities once you accept them as a human being.
4) Once you decide to be happy, language is not a barrier.
5) And last but not least, Sharing is Caring...!!