Cambodia has not only Angkor Wat Temple, but also it has some of the best beaches in the south east asia. Koh Rong island, very close to coastal town of Sihanoukville is just amazing. The beaches is pristine, with not many restaurants and shops and are even better than the beaches in Boracay, Philippines. Why Cambodia is not known for beaches, is because the infrastructure is not developed like it is in Thailand or Malaysia and everyone just knows Angkor Wat. But now tourists are coming which is good for Cambodia, but also bad as these beaches will get crowded with commercial establishment damaging the ecosystem. Here you can also see the amazing phytoplanktons is there are no distractions because of artifical lights. I stayed in one private beach with just our resort and no electricty. when I was swimming in the sea I realised I am the only one who is there on the beach. I got up at 2 am in night to see the phytoplanktons, and it was just amazing. So if you love beaches like Koh Samui and Bali and want to see how these places were 40 years back, you must visit Cambodia - Sihanoukville, Kompot, Kep and island of Koh Rong and Koh Rong Sanloem. There are no electricity in these islands, so must vist for people who like beaches without noise and loud tourists. Also eating out is very cheap and you can buy fresh sea food every where you go along the Coast. see the trip video https://youtu.be/6Br1K9WbalU