It All started a month before the actual trip, when the voice from deep parts of my being wrote on my skin, with sticky fingers,
that I take a Pilgrimage. Not a trip, not a tour, not an escape....but a pilgrimage. That movement it became clear I was not a traveller.
I was just a guy who answered calls with no numbers, but the deepest connections. undecided yet, I bought a tent for no foreseeable purpose.
As days past by, I began smiling because the direction became clearer day by day.
This is when I reached my 1st stop, Manali. Here Had some tea and got some info about the place from locals. Coincidentally met a really cool dude here, who was headed to the same destination and was gathering info about the same. He was a freak, wanted to travel Kaza, on the same day of arriving Manali! I still can't imagine doing the same. We bonded effortlessly.
Bus was not leaving for Kaza before next morning, hence we decided to stay in Manali for the night.
Me : Hey, so lets find a hotel then.
Him : What!? why hotel, lets stay in Zostel.
Me : <Perplexed> what in the world is that? Do you mean a hostel ?
Him : No bud, its a really cool dorm franchise, clean , cheap and chosen by travellers on budgets.
Me : So it has all 3 ' C' checked. lets go.
The guy I met was too deep into his sleep, I tried waking him up but apparently he was not reachable :D and didn't wake. I had to leave alone for Kaza. He was behind this window, Music was still playing on speaker , I guess everyone had a good time :)