When most people talk about Asian food in Mumbai, the first dishes they think about are sushi, dumplings, dim sums, fried rice and hakka noodles. All Stir fry is a restaurant which is attracting thousands of foodies and Asian food lovers in a day in Mumbai. The classic sushi, dumplings and dim sums are not present at this restaurant, but it has so much more.
Distinctive concept of WOK bowl

They have a spectacularly distinctive concept of a WOK bowl in which you can choose your own ingredients, condiments and sauces. A bowl is presented to you, you can add the ingredients yourself and the chef prepares the WOK with ingredients of your choice and quantity. I have never had a WOK with as many sundried tomatoes and bamboo shoots before. Being expensive, most restaurants only use a minimal amount of these ingredients. However at All Stir Fry, I was able to add all the ingredients of choice myself. The most interesting deal is that if you choose a WOK bowl, you can have unlimited WOK, with as many combinations of noodles, rice, sauces and condiments. This allows you to try many different flavours throughout the meal. Jasmine tea is continuously served on the table as a palate cleanser to ensure that you enjoy your meal to the fullest.

My personal recommendation would be their spinach noodles, added with some sundried tomatoes, bamboo shoots, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, tonnes of garlic, chilli flakes along with a combination of their mongolian and chilli basil sauce.
Some dishes from the menu which stood out

While it is certainly worth a look that their Singapore style spiced vermicilli which has slightly crispy noodles is a very offbeat dish which is not served at many restaurants. Crackling spinach was another interesting dish. It was fried and it had honey sauce, chilli flakes and sesame seeds. It was bursting with flavour and was the most interesting form of spinach driven by the prospect of individuality.
Unique and distinctive dessert which are flavourful to the palate

Surely, their Tum Tim Grob was my favourite dessert. Served in a margarita glass with jelly at the bottom, coconut milk, small ice shards and water chestnuts, the Tum Tim Grob was my favourite. It was offbeat since I have not tried it at any other Asian restaurant. Moreover, it was a dish which was really filling, boast worthy and a meal in itself. I loved the dessert so much, I had two by myself. Date Pancakes with vanilla ice cream was a distinctive addition to the flavours on my palate. The dish had a touch of culture and flavour which does not originate in India. It reminded me of Arabian originations because of the flavourful preparation using sweet dates.

After my meal, they also served a fortune cookie which was prepared in house. It looked beautiful, artsy and cute. It said “Mischief is the answer to all lonesomeness” and it was the best advice I had for the evening.
Sprawling space with a great vibe

Undoubtedly, the ambience was out of the world. It was a lush green restaurant with both an indoor and an outdoor area. Such a sprawling space is nothing but a luxury in the city. It makes a perfect spot for brunches, sundowners, dinners, and some outdoor parties with friends. Some people visit this area only to enjoy a few drinks and enjoy the outdoors.
A city like Mumbai does not have many restaurants with lush greenery, this was a definite wild card to win me.