Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned

11th Aug 2019
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Day 1

Bug of travelling and roaming around has bitten the mankind since ancient times in multiple interesting ways.However as times traversed human brains even managed to sustain at different halts amidst their travel voyage.                                                          
             Our ancient-medivial rishi-munis utilised the shady trees and kuccha houses for overnight sleep during their inter or intra nation travels. Gradually bullock carts, local buses and trains overtook the scenario. Finally the globalisation and modernised westernisation brought into limelight what even Wright Brothers could have ever imagined- The Airports.
             Interestingly and eventually frequent visits with long waiting hours at these flying stations has hit human's cognition hard. Hence race against time begun and new ways to pass the same were born. I have traversed a list of ways to get through this interesting short to long stays at airports too.                                                       
 1. LOOKING FOR THE NAMES OF OFFICIAL STAFF-  Starting from the security check personel at entry gate or during times when my luggage runs over conveyer belts, including the beautiful ladies with welcome smiles while running their fingers swiftly on laptops as we board our passes; this is too good to pass hard times; I suppose.                 
 2.AIRPORTS OR A MULTINATIONAL HUB- Without a passport its easy to pass time seeing people of different ethnicities in a single eyeshot.A Chinese with slant eyes, a fair coloured Russian or a broad shouldered British, all roam around at a distance of few meters though they all belong to different nations.
3. EATING- A creative time pass, there are plethora of eateries and drinks you can try your tongue onto. From pasta to pastries, and coffees to toffees the list seems endless. It satisfies your saiety centre to the core easily consuming much time.                     
4. SLEEP-sleep and make Merry- My best pal since ages, I often manage to sleep long hours anytime,
anyplace. Airports being no exception, keeping my eyes shut to chaotic world for couple of minutes calms your nerves well coupled with very relaxing time pass.      

5.  DUTY FREE SHOPS- Ahh...You can't miss it- A boon for liquor consumers they offer you with plethora of items.Even window shopping at a few joints takes enough to let pass the minute hands of clock too far.                                                           

6. CHARGING CELL PHONES with free Wifi- Even if your android clearly indicates "95percent full" an inner urge to plug in never fades away in me. 20-25 minutes easily go with huge satisfaction of efficient airport utility.                            
7. WIDER VIEW FROM THE BOARDING- Another mesmerising time pass event with daily staff busy with chores namely aviation fuelling , ground rolling sufficiently helps passing time. 

8. SECURITY and SNIFFERS- Ferocious searching  dogs with tech smart security are easily seen criss crossing the airport premises at various intervals.

9. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES- AN EMOTIONAL INTERMIX- Tears and smiles on same faces at same time showering age old eternal bond,are worthy to watch.
      Finally I conclude and ground myself with the fact that no matter how high we may fly today we shall land beneath the mother earth one day. Not only at airport we are to pass a noble time in this materialistic world too. With such revealing thoughts in my mind and flying announcements striking high in my ears, I finally step into the flight.

Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma
Photo of Airports- A Globetrotter's resting ground#flightzoned by Danish Sharma