Have you ever wished that you could freeze a moment and keep it forever?
I caught the perfect moment, just before it flew away on outstretched wings, and locked it in my heart, a heart full of rich colors-red, yellow, orange, blue, purple, and another color that I can't give a name. The color of miracle, perhaps? I don't know. All I know is that the moment I chose to keep and treasure forever was the memory of walking along the beach.
The sun was warm on my face, evaporating all my bad feelings, lifting my sorrows, lightening my heart and emptying my soul of all I knew.
The sand stretched alongside me-golden and pure. Only the forgotten footprints left behind remained, except for the debris and a few shells that were scattered among the footprints, as if they had been sprinkled, just for the sake of decoration.
I could taste the salt-ground up sorrows: fear not yet forgotten. I could taste the bitterness of all bad thoughts, blowing in the dusk.
The waves sparkled and glittered playfully, splashing over my feet. They were happy then: calm and gentle, leaving behind their endless potential to destruct, unfulfilled.
I picked up the curved and twisted shell at my feet. I placed the shell upon my waiting ear. I heard the voices of a thousand years, old songs with promises to come back, unspoken thoughts, memories of joy and sorrow, stories of broken hearts. A miracle was preserved in intricate beauty, protected by the sea-forever.
My eyes followed the sea, resting on the sunset, sleeping peacefully on the horizon. For once, good and evil were equal and serene. There are no words how I melted into that sunset: that perfect moment of failures and achievements, of hatred and love.
I walked, just walked...till it turned dark.