Some places are so alluring you need to visit them twice at least.
First time to explore it. Second time to capture (a lot of) photos of it and write a blog post about it :) The icing on the cake would be that both of the visits are sponsored!
My first visit to this place was in May 2014. I went there to be a part of AIPGM (All India Pagalguy Meet) 2014. It was entirely sponsored by the folks at pagalguy.com. I had the luxury of staying there overnight and I completely enjoyed my stay. I did click some photos, but not a lot of them. Just a few to remember some good times. Most of the time was spent in various activities planned by pagalguy guys and the night was spent playing Mafia. We played the game till 3 or 4 am! The only time I was in the room was when I had to catch some sleep (for about a couple of hours). The rooms there are really nice. They come with chappals which you can wear and walk around. How nice! Also, there is a TV and a cable connection in case you get bored with the view and the atmosphere outside ;) The bed inside was so comfy and so soft I just didn't want to get out of it. Alas, I had to else I'd have missed the breakfast ;) I had a lot of fun that time and they even gave us some goodies!
My second visit, in July 2014, was sponsored by Xento Systems. It was a team outing. The plan was to explore the place, have dinner and return. This visit was also totally fun filled. To tell you the truth, it was the best team outing so far! As I already had been to the place before and explored it, I had something else in mind. I decided I'd take pics. Lots of them. Man, I did click pics. Within a couple of hours I captured more than 150 photos! I was so engrossed taking photos, my team mates started calling me Mr. Photographer! I didn't mind because I was enjoying it.
The thing about going to a place second time is that you get to know it better. There is a museum, which I didn't visit before, we checked out after reaching there. It stores some historical things. Things people used in their daily lives in ancient times. Photography was prohibited inside the museum, so I was at ease ;) I checked out some parts of the fort that I hadn't been to before. There is a temple, a beautiful garden, some swing boards and a net to rest. On top of the fort is a swimming pool (cool, right?) and a terrace! The view from there is awesome and the breeze is so relaxing. I could spend an evening there with a novel in one hand and a coffee in another :)
After exploration and photography it was time for dinner. What can I say about it. It was a gorgeous meal! Everything from starters to dessert was splendid. It not only satisfied hunger, but it also did give me a high ;) I wouldn't reveal anything about the main course, but I'd absolutely give you a glimpse of the dessert. I was enjoying the dessert so much that I let my phone rest and didn't take a single photo. We had strawberry pastry, jalebi (which we could also make it ourselves!) with rabdi, ice cream, rum ball (or shall I say yum ball) and chocolate fountain (oh yeah!). We all just devoured those delicacies and more than enjoyed it. They were just irresistible! None of us was on diet and even if someone was, I am sure when offered a dessert like that the diet would've taken a toll ;)
Actually, it was the dessert that got me high. The rum ball just melted in the mouth and I wasn't at all keeping the count how many I had. I am not a jalebi lover, but it tasted good with rabdi. Ice cream and rabdi was utterly delicious. I tried it for the very first time and I just loved it! And the chocolate fountain, oh my word, it was so so fantastic! It was sinfully good. There were pieces of sweet bread, which we could dip in the fountain and it was an absolute pleasure! I wish if I could swim in that fountain ;)
Bloody hell, I am getting high again and I feel bloody hungry. I am gonna go and get some chocolate. You can check out the pics here.
Originally published here.