Salem is known for it silver jewelry production, it's a treat to see how silver comes into the market in form of raw cut out bricks and then goes through 38 procedures to transform into the final product, silver ornaments!!!! But only if ppl could bear the heat is only then they will enjoy experiencing this visual treat.

It's hot out there but ppl there are hard working, they work for cheap, very loud spoken ppl I must say, at first anybody would think of it as rude simply coz of the language barrier, but hey! they mean no harm, they are just loud, a good place to find a lot of things on whole sale rates, fruits, silk, construction materials, gold, silver, steel is best in India and all of our coins are produced by the steel provided from Salem, and those coins are all over india.

Found this bakery, called cherry on top, as a person from Bangalore I was a little surprised to see something like this simply coz ppl here in Salem were not so adaptive to change, but never the less ppl are changing, and I can see changes happening as the generation is changing, ppl here are accepting such changes, in environment and ambience, to the kinds of food etc.

I don't travel much towards yercaud, coz I never find so much time to visit that side, but yes now that is a place that I really like in Salem, I remember the 1st time I ever visited yercaud as a kid along with my family, we went up there to beat the heat, and that was it, it felt like love at first sight, simply coz of the weather, fantastic. So cutting short, this week I did the same just to beat the heat, I went solo all the way to yercaud and its not expensive, it's pretty economical, if you have to use the local transport, and I kid you not, it's quite comfortable as well, about RS 21/- from Salem city station to Yercaud the hill station, one hour journey from Salem, not bad!! Yercaud doesn't have much to do hence it isn't so crowded, must say a super get away on week ends and some time for a couple of hours as well, so I took of to the hills planning to beat the heat and very unplanned at the same time, started with the deer park, it's a tiny Tourist park with a few animals, peacock and peahens , pigeons, guinepig and a few deers, u can feed the peahens and the peacock they are all caged but friendly, they get close to you to see if you have anything to feed them, the pigeons usually hesitant, they too get close to any human, they are caged and yet they get close to humans looking for something to eat, and they are just beautiful, mostly thirsty, and the park has an excellent lake view, as much as I wanted to go boating, I didn't as I was short on time, because I had to get to the water falls by walk it was a 4km walk and it was going to take time also the last bus out of the hills towards the city was at 7.30pm sharp, to eat there are these lil cart Shops, you get bread omlet to eat some fruits chopped in a plastic glass and the famous sweet corn, about 100/- for all of it and tea, also since I was there for a couple of hours, I wasn't eating heavy, coz I would end up searching for washrooms, so just to keep energy flowing I was eating small and I was eating right, so after wards I decided to head towards the kiliyur falls, which shows about 3.2 km on boards but it much further, it was a good 2 hour walk, and about 200 hundred steps to climb down the hill and back up, the Walk was fast as most of it was more or less like down hill, 50 shades of lushious greenery around and it just started to drizzle for not too long just abt 2 mins, and since I was unprepared I was praying that it shouldn't rain as I had no rain coat or probably like a spot or a shop to hide my self from the rain, but didn't rain nature has its mood swings, it was only drizzles every 15 mins for just 2 mins, so I reached kiliyur falls, well bad luck no water falls, just lil stream of it, but hey guess what? the spot there was scenic, and so peaceful, the wilderness at its best and nature has its own music, the birds chirping, so many sounds, the wind, there was no water fall really but a stream was there, felt like god is a DJ for once.. well sat down there for a while to soak some of nature's energy enjoying the sunset for a while, I could see more and more mountains from that spot, which I would like to plan and scale them some day, time was running out and I had to head back, and I tell you, pardon my language, but the Walk back was bum tearing. However my trip this time to Yercaud was great and the entire hill was lushious green usually its more like lushious golden green, but this time just lushious green, may be it was near sunset hour I think thats why, had I visited a little earlier in the day I would have experienced the lushious golden green hill, and it's usually like that when the sunlight reflects of the greens. I don't know this time, may be nature also has its own mood swings. So it was time to head back and I did climb back 200 odd steps, a steep climb I tell you, not easy at all, the place started to get darker, no lights around or not many ppl you find around either, for my luck found some one riding out towards the bus stop, he was kind and generous enough to give ride till the bus stop, which helped to get to the bus stop on dot and I managed to get my bus back home, a piece of me is still left there somewhere in the mountains, I'd want to go back and trek some of the other mountains hopefully we'll prepared this time.

Well I am a travel enthusiast and it's my first blog ever, I have always travelled and just experienced it for my self and never shared my experience with anybody in this form (blogging), so I stay in blore and my affair with Salem is way too old, I have a house in Salem and I never liked the place Salem because of its climate, it's just super hot or may be the area where my house is located, I think it's just hotter, as it's in the middle of a silver market where silver is found in every from and you can see 38 stages to the silver jewelry production. So I tend to travel to Salem about every month without fail for just a week. Surprisingly it rained on my bday only :-), not before that or any time after my bday.