We've Found 6 Truly Unique Adventure Sports In India That You Must Try Before the End of 2021


Credits: Instagram handle @youngwind.in

Photo of We've Found 6 Truly Unique Adventure Sports In India That You Must Try Before the End of 2021 by Niyati Saxena (migrantmusings)

Lights, camera, action! Or are you the sorts to prefer "harness, adrenaline, action!" more? If you are nodding your head in agreement and drifting back to thoughts of the last time you indulged in an adventure sport, then read on because we are introducing you to some of the latest and rather unique ones growing in India!

1. Slack Lining

Slack lining resembles walking the tightrope. It's a great way of staying fit and imbibing discipline. One must walk on a 4-5 centimetres wide polyester/nylon webbing from one end to the other, usually anchored across two trees. Different categories include waterline, rodeoline, highline, trickline and yogaline. Interestingly it was born as a result of the rock climbing community in Yosemite National Park wanting to kill time and build concentration. Seeing as I'm clumsy enough to walk into a door, I can picture myself swinging in a very uncool Tarzan like state! For the well-balanced ones though it's an ideal hobby credited for creating tight knit communities.

Where: Mumbai, Pune, Aurangabad, Delhi, Chennai, etc. You can refer to this handy directory to get started.

Estimated Cost: Rs.3,000 (for the gear), clubs can have their own membership fees.

2. Surfing

Picture a nice big wave and yourself on a surfboard riding those waves looking all suave. No, this isn't some unlikely Baywatch-like scenario but a rather plausible one as India has been home to surf schools for quite a while. Our country has been so actively engaged in the sport that we host competitions and even shape boards. The workation culture has also witnessed people choosing to live at surf schools, learning surfing in the early morning followed by working during the day. When asked how young can one start, the pros recommend starting as soon as one has learnt swimming because the sooner you befriend the waves, the lesser you'll fear the ocean!

Where: Mulki, Kovalam, Mahabalipuram, Andamans, Goa, etc. This article shares a list of recommended surf schools too.

Estimated Cost: Rs.1,500 - 2,500 for a single session, Rs.6,000 for 3 days course and it can go up to Rs.50,000 for a month long course.

3. Bouldering

One of the more commonly known adventure activities across India is rock climbing. Think about it, maybe you tried it at your first ever summer camp or at a mall after a family dinner. Today, that same activity has got a new spin and a rather thrilling one in the form of bouldering! In this sport people climb up both, large sized natural rocky formations to artificial walls. The excitement lays in the fact that it does not involve any rope or harness. It's the wall, the grooves, your strength and grip till the top, welcome to the world of free climbing! In fact, for those who fill their shoes with feet that are itching to explore, this sport is a delight to take up in India's very diverse topography.

Where: Hampi, Manali, Delhi, Mumbai, etc. Check out this article that acquaints you with both outdoorsy and city based bouldering avenues.

Estimated Cost: Rs.200/hour for indoor sessions, Rs.1,500 for outdoor sessions in tourist destinations.

4. Skiing

Warren Miller said, "A pair of skis are the ultimate transportation to freedom", and, thereafter countless skiing enthusiasts have nodded their heads on hearing these words. My first glimpse of skiing was during a James Bond movie and for some unknown reason I believed the sport to be a luxury of the Western countries. However, a few snowy winters ago I found myself in Kashmir propped upon a pair of skis for an introductory session. Since then I've been waiting to take up the course. Yes, in India itself! You needn't zip off to New Zealand or the likes because we have some premier ski instructors right here. So, swap the hot chocolate for a cup of chai or kahwa and go whooshing down the mighty Indian slopes!

Where: Gulmarg, Auli, Narkanda, Yumthang, etc. Have a look at this listicle on skiing options in India!

Cost: Rs.300 to Rs.2,000 for a beginner's session, up to Rs.6,000 to Rs.16,000 for a 6 days course.

5. Sky-Cycling

At the age of 11 years, my childhood best friend and I would cycle up and down the slopes of Palam and the highlight used to be to be able to do so with no hands on the handles. I remember yelling to my mother, "Look, ma, no hands!" and, of course got yelled at thereafter. Oops. I wonder if she'd have the same reaction if I was to pull a "no hands" scenario atop a tightrope above a deep valley! Yes, once a human being saw a cycle and thought to himself/herself that what a thrill it would be to balance one's cycle across a slender rope tied tightly between two distant points while being suspended in the air! India's first sky cycling park opened in Kullu where cyclists must make their way at an altitude of 9,000 feet. Rumour has it that the height has only risen since then at multiple other destinations!

Where: Kullu, Kochi, Rishikesh and Bir

Estimated Cost: Rs.1,000 to Rs.1,500

6. Caving

When I'd gone caving in Meghalaya I had a very different understanding of the sport. It is a sport indeed. Back then I'd imagined that we'd walk with our torches, shine light upon dark corners and get a better insight of the history. That day however started off with us walking into a cave, then crawling across it and eventually pulling ourselves forward with our elbows while our stomachs touched the muddy ground! My dear claustrophobic friends, sit this one out or muster tremendous mental strength to try out this unforgettable experience (you can do it!). The activity named spelunking is different from the simple walkabout done in places of cultural significance such as Ajanta Caves. Thrill seekers make sure to try out spelunking; are you caving in?

Where: Meghalaya and Madhya Pradesh. More information has been shared in this article.

Estimated Cost: Rs.400 - Rs.800

Adventurous ones, I hope you're already planning your next big adventure after this. And, the not so adventurous ones, the ones who are scared, how about you go for one and who knows your heart would be pounding at the start but maybe, just maybe, it'll be flipping with joy by the end? Then you could be ticking off all these quirky adventures listed above one by one!

You can connect with me on my Instagram handle @migrantmusings