They ask me why do I obsess over traveling so much?
Here is my answer to them, to you and to all those who can't not travel!
1) TRAVEL opens your heart, cleanses it of its preconceived notions while giving you a fresh perspective to see things from!
2) TRAVEL thrashes your boundaries and gets you out of your comfort zone!
It makes you more accepting of all kinds of people. And that big-little ego that rests inside your cocoon, it throws it right out the window!
3) TRAVEL will make you realise the terribly beautiful transience of this world.
That everything is fleeting, that some moments, people and memories are just there to form beautiful proses in your book of life.
And that you might love to go back to read once in a while, to cherish those memories but in the end you have to move on, in search of new chapters.
4) TRAVEL will restore your hope in the magic of a new day.
Because no matter how morose your situation can get there will always be another day, a brand new moon and a brand new sun, waiting for you to get out and find new beginnings.
When you are on the road you can never expect what you will find, how each day turns out to be, the people you meet and the connections you make.
And that's the beauty of it all!
5) Travel will make you appreciate the little things in life.
Like sharing a hot cup of tea with a local villager in his hut etched on a deserted mountain peak, covered in snow.
6) TRAVEL will sensitise you to the all the comforts you have in your life.
And maybe you would stop using the elevator to reach the first floor of the building once you realise what legs are for!
7) Getting lost will turn out to have an entire new meaning in life.
And you won't get offended anymore when someone tells you to do the same because guess what,
that's what you want to do anyway!
8) When you are back from that life altering experience you would often find yourself dipping in the mundane and daily routine of life, getting back to your old bitch self.
But then one morning you will get up and receive a call from that old friend you made on the road.
And you'll realise its just a matter of time.
That you’d soon be off to some new place.
9) TRAVEL will make you realise that you don’t have to do great things in life to make a difference.
That you can start from your tiny little house, your tiny little city and still make profound changes in the community you live in.
Because on the road you will be exposed to such inspiring people that are doing so much in their own simple ways that make a stark difference.
10) TRAVEL will make you realise that no matter how many things you buy, they will never fill up the little holes in your heart that crave for another adventure.
11) TRAVEL will make you realise that no matter the country, the continent, city or language-People are people, essentially the same.
You find yourself falling in love more than once and never wanting to stop at that.
Because all these experiences just make beautiful stories to look back upon.
12) TRAVEL will make you realise that success is a sound of the heart, not of your head.
You’ll realise that success in not a matter of what you earn, the car you have, the dresses you get.
Success is just a measure of how happy you are, the memories you have.It is just about that deep settled contentment of having seen the sunset and rise from so many lands.
13) TRAVEL will make you realise that music transcends barriers of land, caste and creed.
So often you’ll find true happiness just singing the same songs with people from opposite poles of the world.
14) Travel will restore your faith in life.
It will give your heart multiple reasons to pump more blood. Will install a sense of timelessness in your life. You realise that time is relative. That it doesn’t have to be looked at from a single point of view.
Time is at a standstill. We decide the pace of our lives when we decide to slog through it or take it easy, one breath at a time, constantly trying to immerse ourselves in new experiences.
Artwork by Hussam ElSayed Eisa
Travel will drench your heart in all the rainbow colours. You would bleed numinous colours all over the body.
Your eyes would sparkle with the brilliance of each shiny day.
And the breath would smell sweet of the days gone past, travelling on the road.
So open your heart. Erase those boundaries. The world is waiting. :)
(All pictures are credited to: http://coffeeinthemountains.tumblr.com/ unless stated otherwise.)