"Best Friend". This is an amazing word, it symbolizes trust, truth, care, love, relationships, bond, James bond, equity shares, stocks, and the horse crap follows, till infinity and beyond.
Now let's say you drink or smoke, or smoke up, or inject, or just drill it in. May be you have been behind bars because of it, you have been a trouble maker, spoiling your relationship with everyone, even the almighty. Many regret later, many are still busy drilling in. But have you ever thought with whom you had your 1st shot ? Your dad ? Definitely not, it's a friend. Now that friend definitely loves you and probably would pour you some whisky in them shots glass while you lie on your death bed (sobbing next to you).
OK this is getting boring.
The thing is, sometimes even the best friends are super busy and have things to do. Like train a monkey to become an ultimate warrior or build a million dollar empire. That's when you feel you need a new best friend. You step out of the house and see that one thing, that light, shimmering and shining from the other end, and you run in slo mo to realize that you have found an eternal best friend (OK, that was a little exaggerating), "The Road". *phew, finally*.
So without further ado, here are 10 of many reasons why "The road is your eternal best friend". *without any specific order*.
1. It's a good listener.
It just listens to you. And that's just what we need sometimes.
2. It teaches you.
They say, experience is a hard teacher. And on the road, you learn nothing but from the experiences.
3. It leads you to some kickass destinations.
Need I say more?
4. It has all the drama to spice things up.
From vibrancy of culture to the topography, from the languages to the food, from variety to the unknown, it has it all.
5. It doesn't expect anything from you.
It gives, gives everything it has, but never expects.
6. It's always available.
You are the priority. It always has time for you. And when I mean time, I mean all the time in the world.
7. Makes you face your fears.
Sometimes, the roads play a vital role in making you learn valuable lessons. It makes you confront your fears and readies you to face it.
8. It calms you the **** down.
It soothes you until you are a happy go lucky, cherubic person again.
9. It makes you happy.
The evolving scenery, the gardens, the forests, the snow, the hills, the stars and what not which you see along the way, makes you nothing but happy.
10. Because road trips.
Nuff said.
Fair enough?