1. Twins Town , Kerala
The extraordinary factor of this ordinary village in Mallapuram , kerala is strikingly large number of twin births . Kodinhi or twin town is now become one of the most mysterious place in India. Once you set foot into the village you will start seen doubles almost everyone. Kodinhi village having 200 pairs of doubles and 2 pairs of triplets in the village but thats not it . Kodinhi women's who having marriage outside of village are also having twins and triplets. According to theory doctors said this phenomena is occur due to the chemical present in the water of this area.

2. Door - Deprived houses, Maharashtra
Shani-Signapur is the place located 35 KM. away from Ahmadnagar is famous for Shani temple in all over India but thats not all that is famous about this village. The Mystery is none of the houses, even schools, government buildings or even commercial houses doesn't have doors or door frames. In addition to this not a single crime ever been reported here . The village is having undying faith in lord Shiva and believing zero crime rate just because of lord Shiva.

3. The Magnetic Hill, Ladakh
The Magnetic hill is located at the altitude of 11000 feet above see level is one of the most unusual place to see in India. The mystery is , Cars driving towards the Hill by its own chord . it means if ignition is switched off car drive itself towards the hill. Drives can realise over there that car driven by itself. Theory is, this exciting phenomena is actually optical illusion resulting from hills gravitational pull.

4. The shrine of BULLET Baba , Rajasthan
there is famous Shrine in Rajasthan that is belief to protect travellers. But the most Mysterious thing is about this place is A BULLET Motorcycle which is famous as a GOD and worshipped place. The story behind this place was a person named Om singh or OM BANNA die at this place while returning home on his "BULLET MOTORCYCLE" due to tragic road accident what follows there was a tale of serious and unusual happenings where into police would take away the bike and wind and locked up by the chain but it would returned at the same spot before the tale raid every single time . when authorities finally gave up , the locals finally build temple around bike which becomes the one of the most mysterious place in all over india.

5. The CURSED Village of Kuldhara , Rajasthan
once elaborated by Paliwal Brahmans the village is now nothing more than abandoned land with empty house , broken structures and an old temple . The mystery is about the Two centuries ago, around 1500 paliwal Brahmans flipped away over the the night since then no one has been able to live here and now its become the most abandoned place in India. Those who tried are chased away at night by paranormal activities . Tourist who visit Kuldhara encounter faced uneasy feeling when they set food inside the village and the theory is no one would ever be able to settle there after them due to the curse on the village.

6. The whispers of the dead Dumas beach , Gujarat
listed among the mysterious places in India , The Dumas beach , Surat , Gujarat has lot off spooky tales associated with it. Mystery is people whispers about spirits and souls walking around the beach and they have been reporting the disappearance on the beach. The theory behind this cause in ancient time this place was worrier battle ground of Hindu's and that's why it is full of spirits and souls. May be it is a theory but due to that this place is become one of the most mysterious or haunted place in India.

7. The floating stones , Tamil Nadu
According to Hindu Mythology, the vanar sena of Lord Ram Build a bridge all the way to Shri-Lanka with the help of floating stones. this is not only the story, you can see these kind of floating stones in all over Rameshwaram . According to Ramayana the stones were floating in water because of name of lord Ram was written on it but that was only a story actually bridge was made of such kind of stones as they are still found around Rameshwaram.

8. The VISA God, Hyderabad
Did you ever faced any problem for getting your US VISA , not to worry. Go to Chilkur Balaji temple in Hyderabad and Lord Balaji will grant you one. The Mystery is being the poor or elite every kind of person can be spotted here before going and begging for the VISA but that's not the end part, the fact is that they soon ended with their VISA that landed this places in one of the most Mysterious place in India.

9. The Village that Slithers, Maharashtra
Snake worshipped happens to be ancient and wide spirit practising in India. But there is a one term in Maharashtra are follows at way to religiously .They establish a custom for every household, it is mandatory in the house to having resting place for cobra. The mystery is that Snakes seems pretty friendly here and the reason for listed in one of the Mysterious places in India is that their are no snake bite ever been reported here.

10. The Ghost Lights , West Bengal
the marshes of the West Bengal can get spooky in the dark. But the one phenomena freaks out fisherman their. The Mystery is, their have been many sighting of unnatural growing lights of different colours in the marshes of West Bengal. Refer to as Alia lights from many years now these lights are a nightmare for fisherman as they usually end up confusing them and they would loose their way. Many cases reported till day various fisherman even lost their lives due to this strange lights. these Marshes are some of the most mysterious places in India due to that unexplained phenomena.