10 Most Common Travel Myths Which Are Too Clichéd to Be True!

Photo of 10 Most Common Travel Myths Which Are Too Clichéd to Be True! by Tanvi Shah (travelstoriesbytan)

Your friends and family may have advised you, “Book flight tickets on a Tuesday, it’s cheaper!” If there really were a perfect time to book airline tickets, everyone would buy them exactly then. The way its believed- reading in the dark will make you blind, Tuesday pricing is a myth. (However, there are better ways).

Certainly, there are a lot of misconceptions about traveling that don’t help us make the right decisions. Follow along as I debunk some of the most common myths and put your fears at ease!

1. Travel is Way Too Expensive

Photo of 10 Most Common Travel Myths Which Are Too Clichéd to Be True! by Tanvi Shah (travelstoriesbytan)

Set a budget before you start planning! Know the exchange rate and how much you plan on spending before you leave, sign up to the newsletters of budget airlines, how much a taxi fare is, tipping rules and more. Nowadays- credit cards, loyalty programs, and frequent flier miles, has made it easier to reduce the cost of travel.

Accommodation doesn’t have to cost as much as you think, either. Book a bed in a hostel, wild camp or check out the listings on Airbnb and you’ll be surprised at how little you have to spend. And with opportunities to work remotely on the rise in this digital age, it's even possible to make money while you travel.

2. Traveling as a Single Woman is Dangerous

Photo of 10 Most Common Travel Myths Which Are Too Clichéd to Be True! by Tanvi Shah (travelstoriesbytan)

It’s not dangerous to enjoy a solo vacation as long as you do your homework. Think about what you wouldn’t do at home and steer clear of those actions while travelling. For example, find out which parts of town to avoid, when walking to your hotel late at night, choose the crowded streets lined with open restaurants and stores, instead of the empty streets with no one in sight. Women have great intuition and great organisation skills, and can conquer traveling alone!

3. Travel is For The Young

Photo of 10 Most Common Travel Myths Which Are Too Clichéd to Be True! by Tanvi Shah (travelstoriesbytan)

Traveling is for everyone who enjoys experiencing new destinations and new cultures. Some people ask why travel agencies offer senior discounts? That’s because people that are older still travel! As long as you are in good health, age should not be an obstacle.

4. Duty Free is Always Cheaper

Photo of 10 Most Common Travel Myths Which Are Too Clichéd to Be True! by Tanvi Shah (travelstoriesbytan)

The products that are sold at duty free- from champagne to perfume, chocolate to cosmetics- are incredibly tempting. That doesn't, however, mean it's always a good deal. Duty free just means taxes won't be collected; it does not mean prices are necessarily lower. In certain countries, duty free may represent excellent value; in others, you'll pay more than the steepest retail prices in your hometown. Don't assume and do your homework. Considering purchasing a bottle of top-shelf Japanese whisky? Know what it costs before you go, or give yourself a budget and stick to it-wherever you're buying.

5. Hotels Are More Expensive if You Book Directly

Photo of 10 Most Common Travel Myths Which Are Too Clichéd to Be True! by Tanvi Shah (travelstoriesbytan)

Sometimes online travel agencies will sell rooms at lower prices than those you can find from the hotel or hotel chain itself; but that's getting rarer and rarer. For obvious reasons, hotels would rather not pay commission to booking sites, so many now match prices with the lowest booking site, or even beat it outright. Plus, even if you can get an equal or reduced rate, many hotels offer perks for booking direct. That could mean free Wi-Fi, a room upgrade, or a food and beverage credit. And then there's always the higher risk of glitches that OTA bookings can be prone to, such a un-transferred reservations.

6. Street/Local Food Will Make You Sick

Photo of 10 Most Common Travel Myths Which Are Too Clichéd to Be True! by Tanvi Shah (travelstoriesbytan)

That is by far one of the most common travel myths. Of course, you should watch what you eat, but at the same time, experiment with the local cuisine. If you eat at recommended places, you should be okay. Trying new flavours while traveling is one of the greatest adventures; so don’t miss out!

7. You Should Always Exchange Currency at the Airport

Photo of 10 Most Common Travel Myths Which Are Too Clichéd to Be True! by Tanvi Shah (travelstoriesbytan)

Almost all currency exchange opportunities at airports offer a consumer rate of exchange- calling it "no fee" obscures the fact that the fee's already built in. Most banks allow you to use your debit card while abroad, giving you access to the bank rate of exchange that's roughly 10 percent better. You'll pay a fee for the transaction, but if you take your cash in one big grab, the savings can be tremendous. If you're a planner, you can also go into your bank and get foreign money at least a week in advance, often with no fee at all.

8. There is a Best Time of Day to Beat Crowds at [Any Tourist Site]

Photo of 10 Most Common Travel Myths Which Are Too Clichéd to Be True! by Tanvi Shah (travelstoriesbytan)

The hard truth is that if it's mentioned in a guide book/online, you're probably not going to be the only one there early, late, or middle of the day to take in the majestic tourist attraction. If you really want to avoid the crowds, the best move is to plan your vacation schedule just ahead of, or just behind, the main rush. Doing this can lead to lower rates on tours, and even special access unavailable at peak times. If "school holidays" start on Monday, get in on the Friday before, when it's "off peak" and empty.

9. You Automatically Get Jet Lag

Photo of 10 Most Common Travel Myths Which Are Too Clichéd to Be True! by Tanvi Shah (travelstoriesbytan)

Myths aside, jet lag isn't necessarily caused by the lack of sleep, but rather sleeping at the wrong time. So sleep on a plane or at your hotel if it's sleeping time at your destination. The same goes for eating, the best practice is to align your eating and sleeping as closely as possible to the appropriate times for those activities in the local time of your destination, and keep hydrated on the plane with plenty of water (not wine!). This will help you avoid that dazed, drowsy feeling.

10. Everyone Speaks English

It would be great if that were the case, but unfortunately, there are still many cities/countries where people don’t speak English or speak very little English. Instead of assuming that the locals will understand, it’s always a better idea to pick up some basic words and phrases in the their native tongue. Besides, the local people will appreciate your efforts in speaking their language.

For every myth that exists about travelling, one can unravel some positive truth to debunk it. All you need is a little preparation and care. Let us know about your experiences in the comments below!

For more travel stories and information follow me on Instagram @travelstoriesbytan.

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