Ask any Bengali their favorite time of the year and it has to be Durga Puja. So After relocating to Canada, my first question was where will I celebrate Durga Puja. I googled and found out there are so many organizations and thus many pujos.
People who have been living abroad will know how these pujas are arranged. They are basically weekend only pujo. So Saturday is Sashti, Saptami and Sunday is Ashtami, Navami and then Dashmi.
Here the good thing is each organization or committee I would call them, arrange a meetup, and decides on dates so that everyone can enjoy each Pujo. Ideally one committee – One Weekend Pujo.
If you visit the Temples then they have pujo according to Hindu Calender Time and Dates.
Here goes the list of Pujos that you can enjoy each year.
1. Bharat Seva Ashram

2. Amar Pujo Toronto (GTA)

3. Canada Bangladesh Hindu Mandir

4. Toronto Durgabari

5. Bongo Paribar, Oakville

TUCA – Oshawa

Vedanta Society of Toronto – Ramkrishna Mission


9. Toronto Kalibari

10. North York Durga Pujo

11. Hamilton Durga Pujo
12. Kitchener Durga Pujo