Tips for Saving Money on Traveling Abroad


Some people think of foreign travel as something they could only afford if they were wealthy or as a bucket list item they have to put off until retirement. However, it is actually easy to travel in other countries on a shoestring budget, and in some cases, it can be more enjoyable. Below are a few tips for traveling while spending a lot less.

Choose the Right Destination

You'll have more opportunities to save money in most of Thailand than Tokyo, and in a place like Reykjavik, budget options are nearly nonexistent. Choose carefully, and visit a place where you can make your money stretch further. You can spend weeks in one place for what you'd pay for days somewhere else. However, even ostensibly pricey places can offer some bargains if you follow the tips below, and planning your trip in the offseason can also be much cheaper in some destinations.

Make a Budget

Making a budget gives you a framework for where you will go, how long you can stay there and how much you can spend each day. Be sure to include the cost of transportation there and back as well as within the country itself, accommodations, food and any additional costs, such as entrance fees or souvenirs. Once you have a budget, you'll know how much money you need. While you can fall back on your savings, another possibility is looking into personal loans to get your finances in order. Unlike using a credit card, the interest rates on these types of loans are generally very favorable. If you go online and research, you can get matched with loan options in less than 60 seconds.

Shop for Bargains

When you are looking at airfare and accommodations, be sure that you don't restrict your search to just one or two sites. You may be surprised at how much prices can differ for the same flight or hotel room. Try piecing together flights on your own. For example, it might be cheaper to buy a New York to Amsterdam ticket on a budget airline and figure out your additional travel from either end than to book a ticket from your nearest home airport to your destination. Furthermore, it is sometimes cheaper to book directly with an airline or hotel than to go through the big comparison sites, so be sure to check this option. If you are looking for accommodations in the off season or for a few weeks at a time, don't be shy about asking if there might be some kind of discount.

Live Like a Local

If you insist on eating exactly the same food that you do at home, you may end up spending a lot of money on overpriced restaurants aimed at tourists. On the other hand, if you go for street food or rent a place with a kitchen and shop locally, you'll get a more immersive experience. Similarly, while it can seem easy to just jump in a cab, figuring out a city's subway system or getting on a local bus can be part of the adventure and can be substantially cheaper. This will also give you more opportunities to chat with locals than if you were living in five-star hotels and hailing taxis.