So we get to know that the tigers from the infamous Tiger Temple, Thailand, have been removed. Tiger Temple is accused of animal trafficking and abuse. A recent and a very shocking revelation of 40 dead cubs being found in a freezer in the temple is trending on the social media ever since. While the world contemplates the reason behind this, we can take pride in the fact that the tigers are given their very own space in our country. This is not completely true but I'm looking at the brighter side of it. I hope the efforts being put in by the wildlife conservationists pay some day to put and end to poaching.
I've seen the tiger population go up and the efforts by the dedicated some show results! Each and every encounter with this creature in the wild is astounding. You will be mesmerized to see them occupy their land with dignity. They wear their scars with pride! This is where they belong, in the wilderness!
Here are some pictures from my recent trip to the land of tigers - Tadoba, which will only make you feel good about your coexistence with these creatures on the same land! if you're a tiger lover, why is this not in your bucket list yet?
All images are clicked by me and may not be copied without prior permission.
Lazing around in 45 degrees!

Seeking some respite from the heat!

That perfect position for optimum comfort!

Her Highness!

Parenting done right!
Mother accompanying cub to the waterhole as they can easily shy away from the notorious tourists.

Don't just save them, give them their space!


Wishing all of you a very Happy World Environment Day! Keep doing your bit towards the betterment of the environment.
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