Hello traveller's.
I'm someone who loves to try all the adventurous sports. I've tried preety much alot of adventurous sports in India. My favourite is paragliding. Who wouldn't want to learn how to fly. When you are flying on your own, that's the best feeling on Earth. I felt like I got wings and didn't want to land at all. In Pune there is a school to learn paragliding. The name of the school is temple pilots paragliding. You can go for 3 days course which includes basic flying lessions. 7 days course which will help you learn some tricks in the sky like figure of eights, 360 turns etc that's why it's called as adventure course. You can also go with 10 days course, Which involves not just basis of flying, adventure but it's a certification course. I choose to do the certification course. I signed up for 7 days but ended up extending it for 3 more days. I got to fly for 25 to 31 minutes. I got 20 flights in 10 days. You can get more flights too. I choose to fly longer 😉
The instructors are amazing. Well trained and friendly. You get to go for the practice early morning and return by evening. You can have the yummy breakfast and start your day. The instructors will take you to the practice ground. You just need to pay 1000 more a day for the stay and food. The stay was decent and the food was amazing too. Paragliding is where you learn to fly on your own which I feel is better than sky diving. Because sky diving you learn to fall but here you are learning how to stay up in the sky and play around. That was the most beautiful experience of my life. If you are into adventure, I suggest you try this atleast once in your life. Go for 3 days and see if you like it. I'm sure you will love it.
The temple pilots paragliding school is closed only in the rainy season, because you can't fly in the rain. But it's open though out the year. You can follow the Facebook page too to get updates.
This was my solo trip too back in 2017 and I met many people with same interest. I've also travelled to other places with the people I meet in my solo trips. So never hesitate to take a solo trip. You will learn to enjoy you're own company and also learn how to survive on your own and meet incredible people.
So what are you waiting for. Go fly !!!!