Sky is not the limit.It's your springboard to embrace your freedom. What I thought was my limit, turned out not to be my limit. Challenge your fears and go for it.
I went on a business trip last year. In mid of work, we stole some moment and planned for skydiving. I was hesitant to go as I have not prepared myself mentally. I have fear of heights. To overcome this fear I have done parasailing and paragliding, but skydiving I wasn't sure. My height fear keeps coming back to scare me. For years I have not been challenging my fear. The skydiving requires the huge chunk of an amount and I was in the confused state whether to risk the money for this experience or not. Will I be able to jump or not? I was remembering all stories which I have heard how a skydiving failed and it cost a life.
I had to fill multiple forms, where basically you sign your life away and the company doesn't have any liability if any mishap happens. I need to read all the safety rules and watch their video. The video scared me more. As it simply says you are responsible for your own life. It's a life gamble. Fear is the root of all hesitation to bring change in your life. Having height fear and doing the skydiving where there is life risk, it was one of my biggest achievement.
Tips:- Don't get scared of the video. But ensure you listen to the safety rules properly. Don't take it lightly as it is about your life. Safety is first.
We got our slot. From the time I signed the paper till I jump from the plane, I was freaking out.
Tips:- Do something to divert yourself from freaking. But trust me its worth the experience.
We clicked few photos to kill our time and then the historic moment came. I could feel numbness and nervousness in me.
Tips:- Don't wear loose clothes as you are going to fall from 14,000 Ft. height and your shoes should be tied properly.
We entered the plane and my journey begins. I was here to go beyond my limit, to overcome my fear and to live one of the best experience of the earth.

Tips:- Remember to have light food. Have a moderate meal before you go.

I have cold feet when my trainer brought me to the edge of the plane.
Then..... Yes, I did it! I did my first jump.
I could see that mesmerizing horizon when I saw straight. I was flying like superman. I did 14,000 feet jump ,free fall of 60 sec.I was falling almost at the speed of 100-120mph. The free fall was incredible. You would feel weightless. You won't feel you are falling but floating, cushioned by air. It was a breathtaking scene.

After the free fall, my trainer opened the parachute and we were floating in the air.I was soaring in the haze and admiring the beauty of the earth. The experience swept my mind.

I did my first tandem jump. I was on cloud nine.I could not express my feeling.This unplanned trip was my life best experience. All thanks to my friends who dragged me here. It's a risk but it's all worth. Nothing in the world can replace free fall experience and I am short of words to describe the experience.

You would feel addicted and would love to go for it again. You can't experience by reading or seeing videos of skydiving.You yourself can experience it. Go for it guys... it's all worth it. Here is my video of my skydiving.