I really didn't know what to think about going to Georgia in the beginning but honestly this country absolutely blew my mind. It was literally something that I was waiting to discover. You have this dream about going somewhere and you just think "Yes that's the perfect place to be" ... It's like the perfect match and everything you do just amazes you even more. "What's so magical about it?" you're probably asking right now. It's a mix of everything I reckon. The warm-hearted people, the stunning countryside, Tbilisi's nightlife, maybe something else... It's hard to describe but I guess it's the mix of everything.
Technically Georgia is located in Eurasia, but its own people describe it in a very lovely way, it's the balcony of Europe. Yes I think that is true. Balconies are usually my favorite part of an apartment and I fully agree. I arrived with very little expectation but Georgia took me on a journey, taught me how to appreciate nature and showed me what influence people can have on your soul.
A journey into humanity and kindness. A gem between Europe and Asia and a place you will not regret visiting. This is all based on my personal experience and to date if someone asks me this very, very difficult question about the best country I have ever visited, well.... my answer hasn't changed in years and I still say it is Georgia, the country that has left a massive impact on my life as a traveller.