This trip was planned for 3 days -> 28th Feb to 2nd March 2009 with 9 members including myself ( Selva, Karthikeyan, Kothana, Vickram, Viswa, Dhanasekar, Logesh, Suganthan). Santha was onsite in UK. The trip plan was:
Chennai to Coimbatore by Nilgiri express.Day 1 : Coimbatore to Vaalparai.Day 2 : Vaalparai to Athirapally through Chalakudy forest route -> Proceed to Nelliampathy.Day 3 : Nelliampathy to Coimbatore.
Quite tiresome trip planned ... though places were interesting.
After a coffee at KR Bakery in Coimbatore, we proceeded to Vaalparai in a Tempo traveller. We stopped at Monkey falls,Aaliyar for a morning bath. Water was sufficient only for washing hands ! So, we picked up a spot recommended by me (visited earlier by me) at - 5-6 kms from Monkey falls for the morning bath. The place was quite and running flow of water. We finished off some bisuits and cakes after the bath and journeyed to Vaalparai. We had already booked a cottage in Vaalparai near Sholyar dam as we were well aware that the number of cottages/lodges in Vaalparai is very less. The cottage name is Deepika cottage (94424 23192). The cottage was well furnished and very comfortable for stay.

Journey on the bumpy roads of Chalakudy ghat roads were tiresome and the route is not easily advisable for all. We hardly saw 4-5 vehicles in the next 30 kms ! On the way, there was a running water stream - very excellent place to spend time. As it was not in our plan, we proceeded further to Athirapally falls - the Punnagai Mannan falls. We reached down the falls and saw the AWESOME falls. Then, climbed up and spent an hour in the water. Then, proceeded the journey towards Nelliampathy - the unforgettable trip !!!

We had booked cottage in Nelliampathy also, as it is not even a town. We booked the "Mid Land residency" at Pulayampara. Mr.Lawrence - Off : 04923-246224Mob : 9446726006. Dinner was also made ready.Journey to Nelliampathy: From Chalakudy, we proceeded towards Nemmara and then to Nelliampathy. We reached Nemmara around 8 PM. The cottage person called us and asked where are we and wished us a safe journey !! We did not realise what we meant then !?! We signed at the forest checkpost at 20:15 hours and the previous vehicle to enter the check post was at 16:00 hours ! Something to think about ... There were no instructions at check post about anything ....
We then start the hilly ride with all hair-pin bends. The route was too dark. The roads were covered with mist and the vehicles headlights could give visibility to only 10 metres !! We did not see a single vehicle or any light. The silence of the jungle was little scary ... and somehow reached Pulayampara at 22:15. The cottage owner welcomed us with a smile and queried about the journey. We expressed our surprise about the darkness, silence and absence of any other vehicle. He said that no single vehicle is allowed after 16:00 hours and somehow we had come ! Also, he was surprised on knowing that we did not see any wild animals on the way ... He then suggested us a jeep drive in to the forest in midnight . 6 out of us, took a jeep and went for the ride. The jeep driver was describing about the animals and other adventures with animals. The ride was a rock/stone filled path and we came across a fresh pile of elephant dung. The jeep driver advised no more drive as it is dangerous to continue the drive with elephant is around near-by. Then, we took a de-tour and only site a wild deer. Nothing else ...

After refreshing for some time, we proceeded for sight seeing. For trekking expert, Vickram, had a contact in Nirar dam and we visited the tunnel there. The tunnel in Nirar dam is a one that takes water from Vaalparai to Coimbatore. We walked for an hour inside the tunnel and the experience was worth it !! We then went to Balaji temple on way to Akka malai . We skipped Akkamalai as it was already dawn and returned to the cottage after buying some tea for everyone. Vaalparai is very famous for tea !IMP :: If one wants to take the Chalakudi forest route, the Kerala permit for the vehicle should be obtained in Coimbatore/Pollachi itself. There is no permit office in Vaalparai. Our driver missed it and we asked him to get back and take permit and come. We missed couple of hours in the morning as he came little late :-(
Next day .. was equally adventurous as earlier 2 days ... Jeep ride to . The ride is again on rocky path with the jeep climbing at 30 degrees. Towards the end of the drive, is the Maampaara peak, and a U-Turn on the mount-head was worth the visit to Nelliampathy ... after spending couple of hours over there, we returned back to the cottage to have lunch and pack up back to Coimbatore to catch the train to .... Chennai ....