One of my life changing rides was my entry into Bangalore city with my Dominar. My plan was to wake up early in the morning and start the ride via Nagercoil - Madurai. Sadly it started raining in the morning and I waited patiently till 7 am and understood that the down pour wouldn't stop. As I had prepared for this much needed ride, I put on the raincoat and started the journey. Till I reached the Tamil Nadu border it rained moderately. Getting onto the highway, I dried my raincoat and set out to make up for the 2 hour journey that took me to cover 100 km just because of the weather. But then my Dominar has never failed to disappoint me. Taking occasional breaks, I was on my way to Bengaluru. The weather was peaceful but at times I felt I was being chased by the rain with occasional traces of precipitation on my helmet visor. The expressway was definitely a highlight of the trip. Endless stretch of tarred perfection will see to it that you reach the destination safely and smoothly. Riding solo has it benefits as you bond more with your bike and you can understand yourself more better. You tend to become happy with even the tiniest things in life.
What I believe is that there is a purpose for every journey we make even though we don't see a purpose because all of us are in pursuit of eternal happiness. For every tree I stopped for shade, I could see the destination nearing but its the first time I am covering more than 500 km in a day. A day on road is like any other day except the fact that you are cruising on a bike with a destination on mind and no deadlines. The thought flow will take the rider to a zone where he and his bike as one entity. Buying the Dominar has been a major turning point in my life. As a touring bike, it has served me its purpose by giving comfort and efficiency. Miles to go with this black beast, the destinations are calling out to me one by one.
Counting down to less than 100 kms, I was waiting for that moment to step into Bangalore with my own bike and start a new lucid day dream in a new city to explore my skills and discover my true passion. Entering the NICE road, I was eager to reach my new home to take rest after a long day of riding. Getting welcomed by the traffic, I knew I was in the right place. And finally I reached the place and undocked my luggage and went to the room and after having dinner, decided to get some sleep. Each ride has been a learning experience for me as they have made me see things with a better sense of perception. Solo riding is a totally different experience, many don't prefer it because they prefer riding with some company. Well, to explore yourself you have to go in search of what you seek alone.