I am writing a travel blog quite after a break. Probably you guys could take it as a conventional sabbatical leave! Couldn’t travel much for the past few months because of some personal reasons but Kodaikanal came into the picture unexpectedly. Most of the people here are already aware about this nature’s gift which is situated 2000 meters above sea-level which always keep the hosts chilled. Kodai was a break free for me and here goes the mystery about pine forests, valleys, s*rooms and what not?!

The Gift of the Forest- Kodaikanal is also referred to as the "Princess of Hill Stations” and has a long history as a retreat and popular tourist destination. I really don’t want to bore you with the etymology. This isn’t the first time I am visiting Kodai and experiencing its mysteries. After a quick fresh-up I directly went to the usual spots just to see if something new is waiting for me. The cliché Kodai Lake and crowded Coaker’s walk didn’t surprise me! Pillar rock wasn’t visible due to heavy fog just like most of the time. Driving through the pine forest was always freshening because of the minty smell with a hint of honey from the eucalyptus. I stop by and started to walk towards the dense. Collected few Pine nuts and took a small nap besides a fallen pine tree. The natural lounge of pine leaves made the best bed I could ask for.

The most attractive destination during this trip was Guna caves which I visited for the first time. While walking through the forest I didn’t realize the destination is going to be that much interesting for a gorehound like me! This cave exists between 3 massive, pillar-shaped rocks and the ground is completely covered with the roots on top of mud just like a den of snakes. Moir point was just a casual spot to watch the fog coming from the valley in layers. Dolphin nose was breathtaking but I wasn’t comfortable with the 2 KM trek through uneven slopes and paths. While coming back at night a hut like café was open and I took an hour break to relax. The view from ‘Above & Beyond’ café was mesmerizing. I felt like I was dining on the clouds!

The next day I decided to pay a visit to Poombarai Village which isn’t a usual Kodai tourist destination. There is an art café amidst the forest in that village which was once a dream of few of my Keralite friends. Make sure you guys give a visit to 'Passiflora' once you’re in Kodai. I am not going to explain the feeling I got after spending half a day in that café listening to David bowie songs, watching mountains breath and paddy fields in that village glide from that peak. There’s a mosque, church and a temple in that village and in the evening you could find peace and harmony listening to chants from all three houses of worships! Peace out. Cheers!