Like every weekend, Travel Freaks was Excited for this weekend as well as he was riding for Rameswaram. He was riding with one more friend of his, named “Niyaz”. Well it was the first time he was riding with him and we both were ready to go.
So we started our ride around 12:30 am on Saturday and decided to meet near Marathali bridge. Before the ride, we made some communication that how we are gonna ride and since it was a night ride, so we decided to ride smoothly.
So our Journey has started now and we are riding smoothly taking every 100kms 1 stop for chai. Around 4:30 am I realized that Niyaz is riding bit slowly and that’s how I realized he is feeling sleepy. So I stopped and told him to drink some water and also asked him to do brush so that he will feel fresh. Even I did the same thing. Around 5am we started again, and it was just 30 mins of our ride, something made me stop again.
There was just a “SINGLE DROP OF BLOOD “which came and stick on my Helmet visor. I didn’t understood how it came. There was no insect lying around the visor and I remember it very clearly that I saw a drop of blood falling on my Helmet visor. I told the same thing to Niyaz.
He said it must be some insect only. I thought might be and I didn’t cared much and I cleaned my helmet with the water.
We started the ride again and within 15 mins, a unfortunate Accident happened with me.
An old guy on his splendor from nowhere came in the middle of Highway and tried crossing the Highway and at the same time I was on the same lane and it was just a fraction of second, I hit him and I am in the air seeing myself going and looking behind my Himalayan. I am rolling on the highway and its 3-4 rolls I have got and suddenly I woke up without looking here and there, I am running towards the old guy. He is lying in the middle of Highway. I pulled him and dragged him somehow on the safer side. I am trying to wake him up and he is continuously bleeding somewhere from his head. He is unconscious, but he is alive which made me somewhat relieved.
WHAT HAPPENED EXACTLY?? It was 10- 15 seconds only…THE ACCIDENT, MY FALL AND TAKING HIM TO SAFE ZONE. How Quickly I did it, I even don’t know.
Niyaz came and he is also helping and people have gathered and I am hearing a woman crying sitting next to me. I am helping the old guy to stand and trying him to come in his senses and suddenly I am hearing Ambulance voice.
By hearing the voice of Ambulance, for 2 seconds I am numb and I am in a shock…I am looking for my Himalayan. Tears are almost coming but I am making myself strong and I rushed towards her (my Himalayan). I am switching off the engine and looking at her. I am continuously saying “ meri jaan tuje kuch nai hua hai…tuje kuch nai hua hai with my heart filled with pain”
I am trying to pull her and Niyaz came and trying to pull my Himalayan. Somehow we parked my Himalayan on side of Highway.
People are looking at me and at the same time NIYAZ is trying to make people understand that he came in between. It was not our fault. They were not in their senses.
We both started getting this vibe “ Beta aaj ye log mar dalengey”. They were all Tamilians and no one was able to understand our language.
When the localities came in their senses and they saw me that I haven’t got any damage, they were in shock. I was with Full Riding gears and my MT Helmet saved my life.
They are looking continuously and there is one old fellow (Lets name him Mr “X” ) and he came and asked my details. I am not able to understand his language. He is speaking in tamil.
Well for some good luck, Niyaz knows Malyalam, and Tamil and Malyalam is somewhat similar. So he explained me that he is asking for documents like DL and all. I quickly gave him as I didn’t wanted to have any further arguments. I was scared as well. He took the photo of me, and my bike and my DL .
We tried explaining him about the whole scenario that how he came suddenly and how i tried stopping my bike and how this happened. And Fortunately he saw the whole accident from his own eyes and he said that I know this happened.
So that means, we are not going to get killed as he knows the story and he tried telling the same to other people.
Old guy is been taken in ambulance and when I saw my riding pants, it was full of blood and then I realized that I have got pain in my knee and left shoulder. But I didn’t bothered.
Its 6:45 am now and I am trying to call RSA (Road Side Assistance) for help but no one is picking up the call. I have posted in my group that I have met with an accident. I am calling my friends so that they can help me.
Within sometime, I realised that there is a police guy coming and at that moment i felt like “ beta tu gaya aaj..You are going to police station”
He started asking questions like Kaise hua accident and where is the guy in Tamil language and that I got to know from Niyaz. We tried explaining him but he is least bothered. I don’t know why. He is now saying lets go to police station which I somehow understood.
I am telling him that I am waiting for RSA so that they can pick up my bike and I can go with him then. But he is stopping vehicles so that he can take my bike. He finally stopped a small tempo and asked us to put the bike in that tempo.
My heart is crying and I am saying that I am not going. I cant take her to Police station and I am continuously saying. I am continuously telling Niyaz, tell him that I am not going to allow them to even touch her. I am crying from inside. They are asking me to load my Himalayan in tempo and Niyaz is continuously telling them that we are waiting for RSA. Police guy is not listening and finally people are lifting her. She is inside Tempo. I can’t leave her. I said that I will sit besides her.
I am sitting next to her and continuously telling her that nothing will happen. Niyaz is following us on his bike. I am blank now. What will happen. I really don’t have any idea.
We have reached Aravakurichi Police station after 30 mins. I am afraid now. I am really scared what will happen next. I am inside police station and Sub Inspector is asking for documents. He is saying whether I have all documents. Everything is in Tamil language and I can only understand document word and I have given my license to them.
They are noting down my information. They are asking from where I am riding and where I am going. Till this point I understood and from that time onwards I am not able to understand what they are saying and even they are not able to understand what we are saying. Its getting difficult now. Now Language barrier has created a lot of problem. We need someone who can speak English or Hindi.
We are getting calls like Hundereds of calls in an hour and we are just explaining what is happening. People are arranging some localities and some people are so sure that nothing will happen to us. They are telling us Nothing will happen. You will be free and some people are saying Pay some money and Go asap from this place.
This chaos is building up pressure and creating panic now. There is one call from a person who is telling that I am MLA and he will take us out. We don’t have to worry and there is another person who is saying that he is arranging Advocate. He is on his way. We are totally fucked up now. We don’t know what to react. After few hours with Hundered’s of call, there is an advocate who knows little bit English and came to us. He seems helping us by talking to police guys explaining that it was the old guy’s fault.
We thought that something will happen. He is making us feel comfortable by saying he is gonna handle the situation and we don’t have to worry. There is a MLA on a call who is saying give my phone to Police, I will talk. He talked and said that they will be releasing us after doing few documentation. Its been hours now but its just words which are going on calls.
Its really hot outside and now the Sub Inspector who was in incharge, left saying that he is going for breakfast and he will come after some time. He has left and we are just waiting for him to come. Its been more than 2 hours now and he is not here. We are just waiting.
Police was just making us wait and doing nothing. They are not saying anything and when we are asking them whats the next step. They are just keeping Mum.
Now the advocate comes and says that if we want to go from here, we need to pay 25k to him in which he will give money to police guys and make us free. So in short he was saying that he will give bribe and we clearly said that we don’t have money and we were firmly on that decision.
After sometime he told that atleast we have to give 10k instead of 25k and that’s where we got the GUT feeling that something is wrong. We told him clearly that we don’t have money and we cant pay that.
Was he cheating? We don’t know. Its evening now and we are still in station. We don’t have any information about the old guy. We only got to know from Police that he has got leg fracture.
We are just sitting. After an hour, we got a call from my friend and he is saying that he received call from Police saying that old guy is very serious and he is shifted to Coimbatore Hospital. Its gonna cost 4-5 lakhs as they will ask for compensation.
We are in a mess. I am literally shivering thinking so many wrong things. What if he is no more..What will happen and all those questions were there. I was even thinking that “Did I hit him so hard..was that a very big accident. How come he is so serious as I remember that I applied my brakes and he was hit with less speed. Might be he is old and his head got banged on the road. Might be he is in serious state now. I am just praying
Its also evening now. Sub Inspector is still out and we are waiting. Where is he ?? we really don’t know.. Is he in Hospital ? Really don’t know. There is another Sub Inspector and we are asking him and when we can leave. He is not able to understand anything and we are asking Lawyer to tell him that we need information. He is continuously saying that they need money and we are saying that we don’t have.
He is saying that Old Guy’s relatives are coming and they are going to make FIR against us and if they will come then he can’t negotiate with Police. He is creating Hurry moment and asking us money. We are talking to people on phone that he is asking for money. Some people are saying Give him and go from that place asap as localities can do anything and some people are saying Don’t Give Money to these. They are just making you run and that’s all. They just need money and they are taking advantage of being Non localities.
We really don’t know what we will do. Lawyer is saying that his relatives is coming at 6 pm and we are scared what if they hit us and kill us. We are really afraid of situation.
I am telling Niyaz to leave from that place with all Luggage and find some hotel in Karur for the stay. Atleast he will be safe . we were not sure at what time they will come and how many will be there.
We packed all our luggage on Niyaz’s Himalayan and he left. Now I am with the lawyer waiting for the old guy’s relatives to come.
Lawyer is saying that they will be coming in next 15 mins as he had a talk with police. I was ready to face them. I was continuously saying to myself “ tu travel freak hai, tuje kuch ni hoga. Tu yaha se niklega kaise bhi karke”
He (lawyer) is continuously forcing me to give him money so that he can settle up the things before they come and I am continuously avoiding him. Its been more than 45 mins (6:45 pm) and there is no sign of localities.
Finally the Sub Inspector is leaving from Police station saying that you come tomorrow. I am relieved a bit and at the same time fed up as well thinking why the hell he kept me waiting so long. Where are the other people. Why they haven’t come.
Now I don’t have any vehicle to go to Karur. I am calling Niyaz so that he can come and pick me up. Since Aravakurichi and Karur is at distance of 30kms, so its gonna take time and he is still searching hotel. He is saying “ I am struggling to find out the hotel and he has met a rider somewhere in karur who is helping him to find out the hotel. How generous he (the unknown rider) is “
He asked me to come somewhere till mid point till the time he will find out the hotel and from there he will come. I said ok and I started searching for some vehicle. Lawyer has got his 2 wheeler and I didn’t wanted to go with him but I didn’t had any option. Kehte hai na musibat ke time “ apna ego side rakhna chaiye” wohi kiya maine and I sat with him and he was also heading towards karur.
So I was finally on the way to karur on his bike thinking about what I will do now. Lot many questions in my mind, somewhere thinking about old man’s health, about my Himalayan, about the whole situation.
I finally reached karur after 45 mins and I went to Niyaz location as he already shared his Live location. He somehow found out the hotel which was costing 1500 per night (which was too much for us as we didn’t had much cash but we had no other choice as it was the wedding season there and all the hotels were full)
Now we are sitting thinking about what to do. Suddenly there are two people who came to meet us. I literally can’t explain that how much we were relieved by seeing some support. They understood our situation very well and tried calming us. I felt like they were the people who was sent by the GOD. Good, humble and very caring people who stood by us and guiding us in that situation.
Shabeer and Zakir ( brothers ) said that they will deal this situation now and they will make us free from this terrible situation. Same time thought came in my mind “ I didn’t do anything wrong. I saved old man’s life. God is helping me to come out from that situation, that’s why he has sent these three people (zakir, Shabeer and Ram (rider who met niyaz))
Next morning, zakir bhai came with us in Police station and there we found that Old Guy is still not able to communicate and police guy’s are saying that he is serious. I don’t know whether this was true or not. I wanted to confirm this. They (police) told us that we need to come on Monday for RTO Verification and we left from that place.
Now we are in the hotel trying to find out some contacts in Coimbatore who can go in KMCH Hospital and collect old guy’s Information. How is he and whats the situation there. I am worried about his health and continuously thinking about him.
Somehow there is a guy called Yashwant in Coimbatore and he told me that he is going there in Hospital. Look, Good people really exists and that’s why we are still safe. He went there and told me that he got the details of patient and from here and there through doctors, we got to know that he has got Leg fracture and he has internal bleeding coming from his ears but he is now safe. He is moved to Ward.
Ohh man, that was a relief. I thanked God for saving him. I was really happy to hear that he is safe.
In the evening, zakir bhai told me that he has some work on Monday but he is gonna arrange some other person who will help us. We were just searching out for some other person, I got a message on whatsapp from an unknown person asking my hotel address. He is from rider’s community and he is here in Hotel. His name is Krishnakant and again God has helped us by sending him. “God I love you” I am continuously saying. He is now going to help us there.
Next Morning (Monday) we all went to Aravakurichi station and what we saw there gave me Goose bumps. There were localities (I am afraid ) but wait…..!!! He is calling us.
We went there and they said that they got to know about us that we are stuck here from last 2 days and they want us to leave this place as they can understand how difficult it is going for us. They told that they can understand our situation as we are from outside and they are going to help us.
By hearing this, I cant explain my feelings but at same time I can’t trust them blindly. They are saying they need FIR to register as they need to claim for insurance. They said they will write it was no one’s mistake and it was just a collision.
Now we wanted to make sure that this is the only thing they will write so that we are out of danger. Now its almost day gone and we are done with RTO work and Chargesheet. We confirmed that there was NO Overspeeding thing written and I am free now.
I have to take my Himalayan. I have to ship her to Bangalore as she was not in Riding condition. We were happy and excited to leave from that place. We left from Aravakurichi and went towards our Hotel. Niyaz is on his way to Hotel so that he can do checkout and I am with Krishnakant and we both are heading towards Cargo Shipment store. After sometime, we all are here including Niyaz, me, zakir bhai, shabeer bhai and Krishnakant feeling relaxed.
We were getting ready for our ride towards Bangalore and wait…Where is my License. I am checking..I am not able to find out. Again I am in a mess
We called the police station checking for my License and they said that they have taken it. They will be returning once the patient is outside hospital.. Ohh man whyyyy…whyyyy this is happening.
Chalo, hum nikaltey hai pehle yaha se…Saying Good Bye and hugging everyone and we left for bangalore on single Bike.
This was the fisrt time in my Life where I was a pillion for more than 300kms ride. “Its an experience man” saying this to myself and somehow we reached safely in Bangalore around 5am on Tuesday.
There were many Heroes in this Chapter and I learned and gained many good friends. Niyaz showed his friendship, Brotherhood by staying with me (even he could have left but he didn’t). He supported me every single moment and now we are safe.
Thank you everyone specially Niyaz, Prabhu Sir, lalit Ji, Krishnakant, Zakir bhai, Shabeer Bhai, Yashwant (Coimbatore), My all Riding brothers and sisters, THT Group, Himalayan Hawks, NH4, PAN INDIA RIDERS Travel On for amazing Brotherbrotherhood. I love you all.