Hidden: The Shore Temple (built in 700–728 AD) is so named because it overlooks the shore of the Bay of Bengal. It is a structural temple, built with blocks of granite, dating from the 8th century AD. It was built on a promontory sticking out into the Bay of Bengal at Mahabalipuram, a village south of Chennai in the state of Tamil Nadu in India. At the time of its creation, the village was a busy port during the reign of Narasimhavarman II of the Pallava dynasty. As one of the Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram, it has been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1984. It is one of the oldest structural (versus rock-cut) stone temples of South India.
And also few temples and village had been submerged in the water which was hidden for many year . History says that it had went inside the ocean during earth seismic (maybe tsunami). Truth unknown .
Recently mahabalipuram surfers started the scuba diving in mahabalipuram where their had find the hidden village and temples inside the ocean which it can be seen in the pic . People's are doing lot of research on this pallava history.
If you are chennaites, go for a catamaran ride or scuba diving to see a hidden Temple and a village . Chennai got a lot of adventurous for you.
Here we go chennai.
Place to do and see in mahabalipuram:
History and temples
Sea diving
Lot of theme parks
Contacts for scuba and surfing :
PS: Truth can be hidden but the history cannot .