From where 🌊 rush towards you to where 🌊 go right past you

2nd Jan 2021
Photo of From where 🌊 rush towards you to where 🌊 go right past you by Adi
Day 1

It was one of those 5 minute travel plan you'd make.

It was already dawn and a friend wanted to go on a road trip, may it be a short one. So myself and 3 others decide to head south without a destination in mind.

We stopped at Pondy for dinner, had a bite. Everyone staring blank at each other not knowing what to do next. I suggested we go even down south. I would be able to drive for a few more hours and take a break at a Petrol bunk.

Day 2

I was woken up at around 2am by a friend, who said he couldn't get sleep so he'd drive for a while. Just an hour later I took over the drive.

After a few hours of tiring drive, remember I barely slept. We reached the nose tip of Tamilnadu, Kodiyakarai.

This place is known for having waves go right past you when you're standing by the shore. If that's confusing let me explain. When you're seeing the see from here, you're facing direct South but the waves come from the East, so it feels as though the waves are going from your left to right.

Photo of Kodiyakarai by Adi
Photo of Kodiyakarai by Adi
Photo of Kodiyakarai by Adi
Photo of Kodiyakarai by Adi

This mangrove forest was on the way back home.

Photo of Pichavaram by Adi
Photo of Pichavaram by Adi

Finally got back to where we started over a day later. A day well spent ☺️