Solo ride on the ECR!

Photo of Solo ride on the ECR! 1/7 by Sai Charan
Photo of Solo ride on the ECR! 2/7 by Sai Charan
Photo of Solo ride on the ECR! 3/7 by Sai Charan
Photo of Solo ride on the ECR! 4/7 by Sai Charan
Photo of Solo ride on the ECR! 5/7 by Sai Charan
Photo of Solo ride on the ECR! 6/7 by Sai Charan

I wanted to go on a solo trip. I dreamt of it since long time. But, this time I badly wanted to go for it to escape from the society. Relations were hard on me. Trust has become a question. Frustrated of Daily 10-7 job. All my interest in travelling has challenged me for a solo ride. I reached Chennai, telling everyone I am going to attend a marriage. Hired an avenger, and that is how I got started. Took a drive to ECR and weather was so tempting I dint want to wear an helmet and feel the breeze. After driving for two hours, I wanted to halt near Kovalam beach.

The problem with me is I am hungry after every hour. All I wanted was a hot bajji in this weather. As I realized, kovalam beach is parallel on my way I took a left which changed my motivation for trip. ‘Escape from society’.

Eating aloo bajji, while beach waters hit your feet was lovely experience. But, as I was already late on my schedule I had to start off. I wanted to reach pondi by 9 PM. As I started my bike, it started to drizzle. I put on my helmet and next stop was Mahabalipuram. That was the only thing in my mind. Peace was slowly prevailing. Suddenly I can see a bike that came through a street, and I braked. The next second I was feet away from the place I had applied the brake. On Ground. I can see my helmet broke. Bike had a dent. And handle crossed. I was shocked how can I slip like this driving an avenger. I was just trying to recollect how did it happen so fast. I was on an empty road that joins ECR road after 1.5 km. What if I was not wearing an helmet? Why the fuck did I not tell anyone where am I going?

By the time I was recollecting all of these, I could see a person already helping me with my bike. He ran and got some fresh water from chai stall nearby. I was doubting wether to drink as I was in shock, but he suddenly spill them on a wound which I dint feel yet. And then I felt a pain. He ran to check if the local clinic two streets away was open. No doctor, but a nurse was present. He ran back to me and took my bag. Caught my hand and asked me if I can walk in tamil. I dint answer but walked. I was absolutely able to walk, but as I started It began to pull me down. Once we reached the clinic I was not even able to fold my leg. He helped out nurse in dressing and T.T injection. Oh you know the pain of tinture on fresh wound right? He smiled at me and asked cant you take it? I laughed. I was challenged. I dint utter till dressing was completed. I paid and then stepped out of clinic.

‘Where are you from?’


‘Oh telugu koncham ochu’

‘Haha. Thanks a lot for the help. Im just shocked how sudden it all happened. ‘

He waved his hand. ‘Its all fine now.’

I smiled and was looking at helmet whether to wear it as it was broken.

‘Wear it’. ‘I will accompany you till ECR. Let me see if you can drive well. ‘

I was silent. A thought hit should I return back?

‘Going where?’

‘Mahabalipuram and then Pondicherry

‘Ah! Take a left from here. I will get down.’

More questions on my head. I wanted to talk. But only thing I can do it be grateful.

‘Chala Thanks andi’

He showed his thumb up. I understood he was saying stay strong. Later he said, can i have something to eat? His strong face suddenly turning innocent. I had fifty bucks. *I was not even having money*

Gave it to him. ‘I will leave then.’

He shook his hand and said ‘Hurry up. Reach Mahabalipuram before sunset. It is amazing.’

I smiled. Again.

Started off. Deep thoughts. Pain on my legs. Avenger is heavy.

No I am not turning back. Let me go to Mahabalipuram first.

Photo of Solo ride on the ECR! 7/7 by Sai Charan

Damn. Who is he?

At last he asked for money for helping too?

But, when no one approached he was the only one who responded.

What if I was not wearing a helmet?

I am now at Mahabalipuram. I am hungry again. But ignored it. Loved the breeze that went through as I was thinking. No more rain. All silence. I slowly went into the trance state. Is there something I am being communicated?

The fine carvings on the temple were amazing. But my mind was occupied. All my life I said people ‘ he who comes to help when least expected is GOD.’ I stopped going temples since two years. But yes, I believed in some power. I felt i was realising few answers.

It was dark and all had to vacate the temple. Maybe, the answers are wrong, I just wanted to connect them. No universe communication and bullshit. But…My definition on things was clear.

He dint ask for money. He asked for food.

I was scared. Yes. Am I scared now too??


Parallel to the tough times there are many good things happening too. Actually more than expected.

I felt grateful for whatever love I got in my life. For all the good things I have. I am never going to blame some others for what was hard on me. There is equally good happening. Balancing everything.

PEAAAACCEEEE!!! Could stay there listening to waves whole night. But I got to move on.

Never give up. There is always something to be grateful about.

End may be anytime around. Just tell people how much they mean to you. Work on what you are happy doing. Have an unconditional love.

Smile. Be the man with GUTS.

Completed that trip to Pondicherry and then to Chennai. That was not the only solo trip I took after that. I got addicted to wander.

Sunrise at its best!
Photo of Puducherry, Puducherry, Puducherry, India by Sai Charan