Well, here is a story of how the Universe takes care of the ones who believe in it. Not once but twice in 2 days.
Couple of days ago while riding towards Lima on a windy hot afternoon I burnt my clutch plate (yeah! I was hungry) Sukesh and I were wondering what to do as the previous town was 120kms and the next town was 40kms away.
Then stopped a cop car. I have heard stories of how cops here ask for unnecessary documents and charge bribes with utmost scepticism we approach the car.
These wonderful gentlemen asked us about the problem and said they will drop us to the nearest good mechanic.
We couldn't believe our luck.

They were so much, they kept turning on the siren for fun so we could film them and to our surprise they went away from their jurisdiction to drop us.
When they left with a big smile they said "Enjoy Peru it's really a friendly country" and I couldn't agree more.
These guys were absolutely in contrast to everything I had heard about the Peruvian Cops.
Next morning after filming some golden light shots we left again and my bike got punctured again (328th time. yes!) Again stuck in the middle of the highway 40kms outside Lima, we were extremely positive to hitch a ride. That's when an amazing chef stopped and helped us reach the nearest town.
It's a wonderful world we live in. A random bearded guy who is standing on the side of the road asking you to stop there is absolutely 110% chances you needn't have to stop but somehow this random act of kindness by strangers who we have never met goes a long way. It's contagious and all I could do is pass it on to the next person I meet.
Yet again, I trust in the people of this world, after all they are the best I have seen and known. :)
So after all this random act of kindness of the universe we were nearing Lima after fixing the bike we were super excited to hit the beach town which is just a few kilometers away it's called Punta Hermosa (Beautiful Beach) to celebrate Sukesh’s birthday and we were pretty determined to make it there as we missed my birthday in ecuador while hiking. (Yes I forgot my own birthday I do that a lot)

But the moment we entered Lima city a passerby kept pointing his finger at my engine so I stopped to check what’s wrong and Sukesh pulled up as well and it was my oil seal. The same issue Sukesh had a few months ago in the beginning of the trip I am having now! The oil level was super low. Thankfully I had my Castrol oil just enough remaining in my bottle to top up to reach the mechanic shop. Funny how everything works out. The mechanic guy also uses Castrol so it was hardly an hour of work to fix the issue, do a quick oil change and hit the beach to ring in Sukesh’s birthday