Name: Glastonbury Festival
Festival Rating: *****
Genre: Everything (and I mean everything)
Vibes: You make the vibe...from a relaxed week in the Green Fields, to a techno induced coma in Shangri La.

Starting in my young teens, I had a desperate obsession with achieving the status of 'festival goer' and Glastonbury Festival was, in my opinion, the festival of all festivals to attend.
I finally achieved my aim in 2013 and since then have made it a yearly mission to obtain a much coveted Glastonbury ticket. (Top tip: use only one tab when trying to purchase a ticket)
Of all the festivals that take place across the UK during the summer season, Glastonbury does stand out. Why? The extensive choice. If you're an indie rocker, a dance nut, folk lover, rap enthusiast (the list goes on), there's something for you. Glastonbury is one of the only festivals where the line up really doesn't matter because there will be more than enough to keep you entertained during the 5 day stretch.
Glastonbury absorbs you, for a short period each year you find yourself in a surrealist world, where nothing can bring you down (minus the hangovers).
My highlights: Witnessing the Rolling Stones rocking up the pyramid stage in 2013. Seeing the Dali Lama give a speech on climate change in 2014. Exploring the ever developing Shangri La and relaxing in the Green Fields during the day.

Bring wellies!
I have had mixed weather experiences, but as soon as the rain starts the ground bogs up.
Be prepared to walk, a lot.
The site perimeter covers 8.5 miles, and it can take up to an hour to walk from one end of the site to the other.
Plan your itinerary, or freestyle.
With site size in mind, if there are bands you're desperate to see, plan. You don't want to end up a half an hour walk from your favourite artist. Alternately freestyle, my preferred method. You never know what you'll find, we once stumbled upon a secret set by The XX in a tiny bar with 100 people.
Pick your campsite with care.
Campsite location can have a big effect on your festival experience. We normally head for Pennard Hill or Oxylers located by the Other stage, however if you want a more chilled vibe head for the John Peel stage.

There's so much more that could be said, much like the festival you can't experience Glastonbury all in one post, however more festival infused adventures are sure to follow.
If you're still looking for a festival for the summer season, think of Glastonbury. With the resale of tickets in April, you may still have a chance of attending one of the best music festivals in the world.